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How do I edit my mapcycle?

Posted: Wed Nov 21, 2012 9:20 pm
by kraze
You can edit the mapcycle through the game's built-in control panel, at (where "xxx" is your server identifier), by using the drag-and-drop selector.

Alternately, you can edit it manually by following these steps:
  1. Go to the "File manager" tab in your control panel and from the drop down box, select "MapCycle.json", click "Edit", and click "Submit".
  2. You will be presented with something like this, that you can edit to your liking:

    Code: Select all

      "mods": [  ],
      "mode": "order",
      "time": 30,
      "maps": [ "ns2_summit", "ns2_refinery", "ns2_mineshaft", "ns2_tram", "ns2_veil", "ns2_docking" ]
    "mode" allows you to set how your maps will be played. Valid flags currently are "order" and "random"
    "time" simply allows you to set how long each map will last before the rounds ends
  3. Restart the server to implement the new map cycle.