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How do I assign players admin in my server?

Posted: Wed Nov 21, 2012 9:42 pm
by kraze
  1. On the "File manager" tab in your control panel from the drop down box select "ServerAdmin.json" then hit edit.
  2. You will be presented with something like this;

    Code: Select all

            "admin_group": { "type": "allowed", "commands": [ "sv_changemap", "sv_reset", "sv_say" ] },
            "mod_group": { "type": "disallowed", "commands": [ "sv_ban", "sv_reset" ] },
            "clan_group": { "type": "allowed", "commands": [ "sv_kick", "sv_say" ] }
            "Sr. Lance": { "id": 1838634, "groups": [ "admin_group" ] },
            "Murphy": { "id": 11641641, "groups": [ "mod_group" ] },
            "SabaHell": { "id": 3403402, "groups": [ "clan_group" ] }
  3. You will now need to edit each part to suit your needs. For example, you would need to edit the "allowed commands" for each group and the "users" for each group.
  4. see here for a list of valid rcon commands