JSON, GLON, vON Do not load a table correctly(This is intere

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JSON, GLON, vON Do not load a table correctly(This is intere

Post by Netsurfers »

Since 6:14 yesterday, I've been talking to support about this. They claim its "my gamemode" I infact tried other gamemodes with large text files. ReDead to be specific, Same issue. Loads half the table from the text file. I tried explaining this to them but they insist its my fault. So im playing their way and posting a topic.

The JSON file is at the very bottom, Please run this code with the JSON and post here. So far it works on 14 linux servers and 31 windows servers(10 of which are listen servers). But on this one, It will only load like 16 of anything that starts with "info_" and make it "inf". Please note, This is not a GMOD bug.

The code:

Code: Select all

PrintTable(util.JSONToTable( file.Read( "radbox/" .. string.lower( game.GetMap() ) .. ".txt", "DATA" ) ))

Code: Select all

] rcon lua_openscript printjsontable.lua
autokick is disabled for Odic Force
Running script printjsontable.lua...
		1	=	-2346.090820 5996.107910 -570.968811
		2	=	-2414.977051 5952.080078 -570.968811
		3	=	-2426.180176 6028.065430 -570.968811
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		5	=	-2510.533447 5947.597168 -570.968811
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		66	=	7999.285645 2567.177979 -1531.000000
				1	=	-736.664124 6525.484375 61.050400
				2	=	models/props_vehicles/truck001a.mdl
				3	=	0.324 0.956 1.502
				4	=	true
				1	=	-719.590515 6524.925781 60.822498
				2	=	models/props_junk/wood_crate001a.mdl
				3	=	-1.912 5.416 1.365
				4	=	true
				1	=	-764.261414 6521.459473 59.333302
				2	=	models/props_junk/wood_crate001a.mdl
				3	=	-2.172 18.882 0.845
				4	=	true
				1	=	-1156.551636 6769.187988 16.387899
				2	=	models/props_c17/oildrum001.mdl
				3	=	-0.045 -28.559 -0.043
				4	=	true
		1	=	-10047.029297 -11353.643555 4.999800
		2	=	-10053.834961 10846.862305 37.637901
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		15	=	2044.910767 2515.907715 -1018.968811
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		17	=	3018.252197 2991.184082 -698.968811
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		23	=	2818.706055 -8104.140625 13.031300
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		26	=	1513.046143 -8061.601563 21.031300
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		28	=	-4139.407227 11486.592773 5.000000
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		31	=	2865.142090 3979.334473 3077.031250
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		44	=	-8790.910156 720.600830 19.497299
		45	=	-3155.569336 1300.433838 5.031300
		46	=	-332.468506 -5979.528320 5.031100
		47	=	-3266.985352 -10598.244141 26.990801
		48	=	-247.523697 -8425.531250 6.130000
		49	=	-3114.799072 -5401.086914 5.031300
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		6	=	1672.231079 -9218.349609 -138.968796
		7	=	1661.324951 -9299.718750 -138.968796
		8	=	1664.401489 -9386.854492 -138.968796
		9	=	1814.874756 -9475.224609 -138.968796
		10	=	1812.290161 -9386.782227 -138.968796
		11	=	1799.862793 -9321.347656 -138.968796
		12	=	1735.841187 -9310.624023 -138.968796
		13	=	1733.277222 -9383.421875 -138.968796
		14	=	1725.706177 -9465.540039 -138.968796
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		18	=	1621.486328 -9158.637695 13.031300
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		22	=	1953.160645 -9743.328125 5.031300
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		1	=	-2554.626709 54.842300 -93503.843750
		2	=	-2654.083740 6034.928711 -575.968811
		1	=	3286.061035 3004.063965 -1018.968811
		2	=	2933.520264 3013.805176 -1018.968811
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		9	=	2534.933594 2839.778320 -1018.968811
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		11	=	2168.422363 2343.357422 -1018.968811
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		14	=	2333.257080 2359.026855 -1018.968811
		15	=	2335.552002 2453.448486 -1018.968811
		16	=	2496.412842 2441.109619 -1018.968811
		17	=	3097.654053 2585.125488 -1018.968811
		18	=	3009.728760 2580.067627 -1018.968811
		19	=	3170.834229 2609.514648 -1018.968811
		20	=	3172.269531 2685.834229 -1018.968811
		21	=	3078.388184 2706.633545 -1018.968811
		22	=	3013.654053 2696.613770 -1018.968811
		23	=	3032.313477 2995.210205 -1018.968811
		24	=	3046.947998 2915.017334 -1018.968811
		25	=	3039.518311 2831.119141 -1018.968811
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		4	=	3472.054443 3008.412109 -674.507019
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		13	=	-1515.800049 6401.604980 21.031300
		14	=	-938.487183 7328.857422 21.031300
		15	=	-2198.145752 6554.968750 -328.737213
		16	=	3879.344482 4200.413086 13.031300
		17	=	7994.968750 5265.766113 27.804600
		18	=	8210.329102 5111.297363 21.259199
		19	=	7894.979004 3371.061279 -228.157806
		20	=	6841.824707 2357.031250 -536.347595
		21	=	6909.745605 2955.767822 -526.806885
		22	=	7024.728027 3745.583008 -527.142517
		23	=	8002.209473 2335.918457 -1442.772705
		24	=	8020.345215 4154.968750 -1485.758911
		25	=	8069.625977 4005.031250 -847.029724
		1	=	8136.070801 2380.916016 -1564.599854
		2	=	7673.385254 2941.190430 -1531.907837
		3	=	8026.968750 3009.491943 -1534.775024
		4	=	5211.154785 -1146.755005 -121.635201

Code: Select all

] rcon lua_openscript printjsontable.lua
autokick is disabled for Odic Force
Running script printjsontable.lua...
		1	=	1886.456421 -9527.131836 13.031300
		2	=	1881.738281 -9475.210938 13.031300
		3	=	1825.396362 -9532.821289 13.031300
		4	=	1755.133789 -9530.329102 13.031300
		5	=	1696.869995 -9524.588867 13.031300
		6	=	1672.231079 -9218.349609 -138.968796
		7	=	1661.324951 -9299.718750 -138.968796
		8	=	1664.401489 -9386.854492 -138.968796
		9	=	1814.874756 -9475.224609 -138.968796
		10	=	1812.290161 -9386.782227 -138.968796
		11	=	1799.862793 -9321.347656 -138.968796
		12	=	1735.841187 -9310.624023 -138.968796
		13	=	1733.277222 -9383.421875 -138.968796
		14	=	1725.706177 -9465.540039 -138.968796
		15	=	1849.624512 -9168.162109 13.031300
		16	=	1785.335693 -9161.201172 13.031300
		17	=	1856.291992 -9215.127930 13.031300
		18	=	1621.486328 -9158.637695 13.031300
		19	=	1603.918823 -9224.479492 13.031300
		20	=	1605.819336 -9323.412109 13.031300
		21	=	2042.330566 -9748.320312 5.031300
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		23	=	1833.401611 -9745.558594 5.031300
		1	=	8136.070801 2380.916016 -1564.599854
		2	=	7673.385254 2941.190430 -1531.907837
		3	=	8026.968750 3009.491943 -1534.775024
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		1	=	-2554.626709 54.842300 -93503.843750
		2	=	-2654.083740 6034.928711 -575.968811
		1	=	1826.695435 -9447.910156 8.031300
		1	=	8105.602051 3671.934082 -542.166016
		2	=	7750.097656 3180.366699 -854.935730
		3	=	2019.629639 2729.631348 -351.512512
		4	=	3472.054443 3008.412109 -674.507019
		5	=	-2695.388916 5750.084961 -343.243591
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		8	=	4457.253906 -9577.911133 -101.512802
		9	=	-7370.594727 -9555.479492 48.418201
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		16	=	3879.344482 4200.413086 13.031300
		17	=	7994.968750 5265.766113 27.804600
		18	=	8210.329102 5111.297363 21.259199
		19	=	7894.979004 3371.061279 -228.157806
		20	=	6841.824707 2357.031250 -536.347595
		21	=	6909.745605 2955.767822 -526.806885
		22	=	7024.728027 3745.583008 -527.142517
		23	=	8002.209473 2335.918457 -1442.772705
		24	=	8020.345215 4154.968750 -1485.758911
		25	=	8069.625977 4005.031250 -847.029724
				1	=	-736.664124 6525.484375 61.050400
				2	=	models/props_vehicles/truck001a.mdl
				3	=	0.324 0.956 1.502
				4	=	true
				1	=	-719.590515 6524.925781 60.822498
				2	=	models/props_junk/wood_crate001a.mdl
				3	=	-1.912 5.416 1.365
				4	=	true
				1	=	-764.261414 6521.459473 59.333302
				2	=	models/props_junk/wood_crate001a.mdl
				3	=	-2.172 18.882 0.845
				4	=	true
				1	=	-1156.551636 6769.187988 16.387899
				2	=	models/props_c17/oildrum001.mdl
				3	=	-0.045 -28.559 -0.043
				4	=	true
Someone else try this. The JSON is

Code: Select all

{"info_player_army":{"1":"[-2346.0908 5996.1079 -570.9688]","2":"[-2414.9771 5952.0801 -570.9688]","3":"[-2426.1802 6028.0654 -570.9688]","4":"[-2511.5034 6022.3931 -570.9688]","5":"[-2510.5334 5947.5972 -570.9688]","6":"[-2597.3962 5994.7065 -570.9688]","7":"[-2602.291 5922.522 -570.9688]","8":"[-2377.439 5761.9321 -570.9688]","9":"[-2467.2622 5764.0703 -570.9688]","10":"[-2559.2339 5764.0361 -570.9688]","11":"[-2652.519 5763.3555 -570.9688]","12":"[-2660.1523 5816.4756 -570.9688]","13":"[-2667.9937 5890.7363 -570.9688]","14":"[-2734.7085 5908.5723 -570.9688]","15":"[-2920.8176 5767.2896 -570.9688]","16":"[-2720.9092 5774.3779 -570.9688]","17":"[-2784.4863 5747.2217 -570.9688]","18":"[-2768.1755 5214.6631 -570.9688]","19":"[-3592.6433 5190.9751 -570.9688]","20":"[-3588.0652 5258.209 -570.9688]","21":"[-3537.7224 5258.3223 -570.9688]","22":"[-3467.4695 5182.1123 -570.9688]","23":"[-3478.6047 5259.0234 -570.9688]","24":"[-3380.9329 5147.3755 -570.9688]","25":"[-3312.3086 5110.1357 -570.9688]","26":"[-3144.4963 5049.5376 -570.9688]","27":"[-3233.2278 5049.1162 -570.9688]","28":"[-3339.8792 4981.9893 -570.9688]","29":"[-3476.083 5051.7676 -570.9688]"},"npc_trader_exodus":{"1":"[3390.9688 2666.2151 -1023.9688]"},"npc_trader_bandoliers":{"1":"[1826.6954 -9447.9102 8.0313]"},"info_npcspawn":{"1":"[-7366.5205 5175.8423 5.0313]","2":"[-10249.9111 -11802.3145 121.3127]","3":"[-3735.4688 -3500.0601 5.0313]","4":"[-8292.8271 -2904.2554 5]","5":"[-8921.6289 2191.4907 62.3146]","6":"[5541.1763 -4742.4932 5.0313]","7":"[4584.998 -44.7358 5.0313]","8":"[2312.5667 8849.4629 5.0313]","9":"[-1242.3422 3441.4341 5.0313]","10":"[-6849.5342 9488.4941 5.0313]","11":"[-4583.1167 4094.8635 146.3789]","12":"[-6705.7607 4381.5571 13.0311]","13":"[-433.4284 6926.0029 8.9999]","14":"[-1791.9987 7870.479 5.0313]","15":"[-1062.1572 7358.9771 21.0313]","16":"[-1125.0728 7022.9165 21.0313]","17":"[3541.4922 5171.6396 5.0313]","18":"[5345.5518 8478.7715 5.0313]","19":"[7986.5488 8896.2773 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2885.6301 -570.9688]","47":"[7668.8491 2805.1506 -892.2895]","48":"[8116.9287 2702.2026 -890.9688]","49":"[8010.9087 3024.2783 -890.9688]","50":"[7782.0244 3111.5159 -890.9688]","51":"[7995.4404 3460.4917 -890.9688]","52":"[7824.8184 3457.9001 -890.9688]","53":"[8089.9258 3696.3447 -890.9688]","54":"[8021.9624 3898.1665 -890.9688]","55":"[8011.1162 4073.9407 -890.9688]","56":"[7829.3647 3907.8984 -890.9688]","57":"[7625.1729 4083.448 -890.9688]","58":"[7846.1704 4042.8 -1530.9688]","59":"[7950.2168 3452.0735 -1530.9688]","60":"[7685.5479 2347.978 -1535.0922]","61":"[8168.999 2378.311 -1556.8475]","62":"[7878.0933 2911.3884 -1535.9727]","63":"[8015.0132 2731.2021 -1534.0134]","64":"[7920.8481 2569.7373 -1536.5743]","65":"[7825.9707 2372.1885 -1531]","66":"[7999.2856 2567.178 -1531]"},"prop_physics":{"1":{"1":"[-736.6641 6525.4844 61.0504]","2":"models/props_vehicles/truck001a.mdl","3":"{0.3245 0.9564 1.5019}","4":true},"2":{"1":"[-719.5905 6524.9258 60.8225]","2":"models/props_junk/wood_crate001a.mdl","3":"{-1.912 5.4159 1.3648}","4":true},"3":{"1":"[-764.2614 6521.4595 59.3333]","2":"models/props_junk/wood_crate001a.mdl","3":"{-2.1725 18.8822 0.8453}","4":true},"4":{"1":"[-1156.5516 6769.188 16.3879]","2":"models/props_c17/oildrum001.mdl","3":"{-0.0452 -28.5587 -0.0434}","4":true}},"info_player_loner":{"1":"[-10047.0293 -11353.6436 4.9998]","2":"[-10053.835 10846.8623 37.6379]","3":"[-2454.231 -3800.4468 5.0311]","4":"[9827.832 -11062.1738 67.2776]","5":"[8396.0156 -84.124 5]","6":"[5865.2573 4725.6064 878.2684]","7":"[6719.959 12106.8604 93.0341]"},"info_lootspawn":{"1":"[6814.894 2446.103 -570.9688]","2":"[7229.2139 2486.1357 -570.9688]","3":"[6961.4253 2923.3508 -570.9688]","4":"[7787.8027 2292.3184 -1531]","5":"[8165.1436 2322.4343 -1531.1484]","6":"[7948.7842 2486.6011 -1531]","7":"[7658.1221 2711.7446 -1510.4642]","8":"[8213.3496 2821.0688 -1531.6279]","9":"[5330.5991 6625.6426 79.5726]","10":"[2291.9531 2276.4004 -345.325]","11":"[1893.7642 2137.0872 -378.9688]","12":"[2308.2476 2875.4949 -698.9688]","13":"[3650.8938 2904.1621 -698.9688]","14":"[2314.3181 2925.5496 -1018.9688]","15":"[2044.9108 2515.9077 -1018.9688]","16":"[1928.4116 2902.3347 -1018.9688]","17":"[3018.2522 2991.1841 -698.9688]","18":"[4677.7578 -9072.5264 5.0313]","19":"[4226.0381 -9273.041 13.0313]","20":"[4361.2866 -9555.4463 -138.9688]","21":"[3468.4819 -9690.3857 5.0313]","22":"[2481.2451 -8131.9614 13.0313]","23":"[2818.7061 -8104.1406 13.0313]","24":"[2711.3792 -8763.1572 13.0313]","25":"[2576.6033 -9336.5381 13.0313]","26":"[1513.0461 -8061.6016 21.0313]","27":"[1881.3905 -9274.2314 -266.9688]","28":"[-4139.4072 11486.5928 5]","29":"[-3444.1155 45.708 5.0313]","30":"[4294.5576 -2292.751 5.0313]","31":"[2865.1421 3979.3345 3077.0313]","32":"[4800.168 -1350.9358 -9.538]","33":"[5691.1294 -1229.2352 -28.4866]","34":"[5369.9224 -714.455 -31.6374]","35":"[5411.6655 -1548.0905 -46.829]","36":"[5018.3164 -1343.6385 -87.4576]","37":"[5549.9272 -912.7177 -54.3821]","38":"[11069.7646 2933.3618 11.9714]","39":"[10347.1006 -4698.4663 49.0444]","40":"[2147.8418 -4058.1187 5.0313]","41":"[6918.7007 -8991.7148 5.0314]","42":"[-4307.1836 -11485.8262 21.5141]","43":"[-9323.0156 -7154.9917 5]","44":"[-8790.9102 720.6008 19.4973]","45":"[-3155.5693 1300.4338 5.0313]","46":"[-332.4685 -5979.5283 5.0311]","47":"[-3266.9854 -10598.2441 26.9908]","48":"[-247.5237 -8425.5313 6.13]","49":"[-3114.7991 -5401.0869 5.0313]"},"point_skymarker":[],"npc_trader_army":{"1":"[-2554.6267 54.8423 -93503.8438]","2":"[-2654.0837 6034.9287 -575.9688]"},"point_radiation":{"1":"[8136.0708 2380.916 -1564.5999]","2":"[7673.3853 2941.1904 -1531.9078]","3":"[8026.9688 3009.4919 -1534.775]","4":"[5211.1548 -1146.755 -121.6352]"},"point_stash":{"1":"[8105.6021 3671.9341 -542.166]","2":"[7750.0977 3180.3667 -854.9357]","3":"[2019.6296 2729.6313 -351.5125]","4":"[3472.0544 3008.4121 -674.507]","5":"[-2695.3889 5750.085 -343.2436]","6":"[2005.9221 -8013.6299 37.5282]","7":"[2690.2839 -9683.0205 49.6768]","8":"[4457.2539 -9577.9111 -101.5128]","9":"[-7370.5947 -9555.4795 48.4182]","10":"[-7626.9756 -8810.6631 -19.5642]","11":"[-7277.2925 -8797.7871 -43.6503]","12":"[-1.964 -14481.1934 186.7713]","13":"[-1515.8 6401.605 21.0313]","14":"[-938.4872 7328.8574 21.0313]","15":"[-2198.1458 6554.9688 -328.7372]","16":"[3879.3445 4200.4131 13.0313]","17":"[7994.9688 5265.7661 27.8046]","18":"[8210.3291 5111.2974 21.2592]","19":"[7894.979 3371.0613 -228.1578]","20":"[6841.8247 2357.0313 -536.3476]","21":"[6909.7456 2955.7678 -526.8069]","22":"[7024.728 3745.583 -527.1425]","23":"[8002.2095 2335.9185 -1442.7727]","24":"[8020.3452 4154.9688 -1485.7589]","25":"[8069.626 4005.0313 -847.0297]"},"info_player_exodus":{"1":"[3286.061 3004.064 -1018.9688]","2":"[2933.5203 3013.8052 -1018.9688]","3":"[2924.3503 2890.3813 -1018.9688]","4":"[2929.1602 2768.4524 -1018.9688]","5":"[2931.8054 2584.24 -1018.9688]","6":"[3234.4463 2742.1167 -1018.9688]","7":"[2369.9871 2866.604 -1018.9688]","8":"[2360.8965 2944.2288 -1018.9688]","9":"[2534.9336 2839.7783 -1018.9688]","10":"[2173.4744 2241.7915 -1018.9688]","11":"[2168.4224 2343.3574 -1018.9688]","12":"[2227.8662 2418.1646 -1018.9688]","13":"[2266.3669 2282.6863 -1018.9688]","14":"[2333.2571 2359.0269 -1018.9688]","15":"[2335.552 2453.4485 -1018.9688]","16":"[2496.4128 2441.1096 -1018.9688]","17":"[3097.6541 2585.1255 -1018.9688]","18":"[3009.7288 2580.0676 -1018.9688]","19":"[3170.8342 2609.5146 -1018.9688]","20":"[3172.2695 2685.8342 -1018.9688]","21":"[3078.3882 2706.6335 -1018.9688]","22":"[3013.6541 2696.6138 -1018.9688]","23":"[3032.3135 2995.2102 -1018.9688]","24":"[3046.948 2915.0173 -1018.9688]","25":"[3039.5183 2831.1191 -1018.9688]"},"info_player_bandoliers":{"1":"[1886.4564 -9527.1318 13.0313]","2":"[1881.7383 -9475.2109 13.0313]","3":"[1825.3964 -9532.8213 13.0313]","4":"[1755.1338 -9530.3291 13.0313]","5":"[1696.87 -9524.5889 13.0313]","6":"[1672.2311 -9218.3496 -138.9688]","7":"[1661.325 -9299.7188 -138.9688]","8":"[1664.4015 -9386.8545 -138.9688]","9":"[1814.8748 -9475.2246 -138.9688]","10":"[1812.2902 -9386.7822 -138.9688]","11":"[1799.8628 -9321.3477 -138.9688]","12":"[1735.8412 -9310.624 -138.9688]","13":"[1733.2772 -9383.4219 -138.9688]","14":"[1725.7062 -9465.54 -138.9688]","15":"[1849.6245 -9168.1621 13.0313]","16":"[1785.3357 -9161.2012 13.0313]","17":"[1856.292 -9215.1279 13.0313]","18":"[1621.4863 -9158.6377 13.0313]","19":"[1603.9188 -9224.4795 13.0313]","20":"[1605.8193 -9323.4121 13.0313]","21":"[2042.3306 -9748.3203 5.0313]","22":"[1953.1606 -9743.3281 5.0313]","23":"[1833.4016 -9745.5586 5.0313]"}}
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Re: JSON, GLON, vON Do not load a table correctly(This is in

Post by Edge100x »

We use the standard Garrysmod files. If this is a file being loaded by a Garrysmod server, and the server is not loading it properly, then this would indeed represent a bug in the game itself, bug in something that has been uploaded to the server, or a configuration problem. I (we) would not say that it is your fault personally, but it may be something that you can work around.

I'm not familiar with this aspect of Garrysmod, so I'll have to step aside here and hope that others in this forum can guide you. It was right of the support staff to ask you to make a post.
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Re: JSON, GLON, vON Do not load a table correctly(This is in

Post by Netsurfers »

The only way to work around it is to create a table in a lua file for each map it loads. Which would be tons of code, Its not a bug with gmod as it works on every other server with no faults whatsoever.

Sorry for my hasty post. I know it was slightly rude, But no offense. You guys are blaming it on gmod, But no other hoster can replicate this problem. Only one that can is this one server. I ran out of people to ask to test it, But its about 20 linux servers it runs fine on now. I do even believe some are hosted by you guys. I can get them to post here. The tables and code and json if you'd like.
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Re: JSON, GLON, vON Do not load a table correctly(This is in

Post by Edge100x »

It is good that it works on another server, because that gives a comparison point. Copying everything about that other server would be one way to make almost certain that it would work with yours, if you have the access to do that.

Until the actual cause is know, we can't rule out a Garrysmod bug. This is in fact a very buggy game, and that makes sense, because it's based stretching the engine to its limits and doing all sorts of interesting and hacky things. There are a lot of moving parts.
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Re: JSON, GLON, vON Do not load a table correctly(This is in

Post by Netsurfers »

I think it stretched past its limits in gmod 12. Gmod 13 its basically a limp rubber band.
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