Crash Protection?

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Crash Protection?

Post by JayArea »

Are there any scripts or measures I can take to prevent people crashing my servers? I know its very easy to do this and anyone with a certain script can crash a server but I haven't seen anything that can stop it.
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Re: Crash Protection?

Post by Edge100x »

Sometimes plugins like zblock can help with this. You should also make sure you're running the latest version of CS:S, as Valve corrected some vulnerabilities back in January that people could be using.

One commonly used attack right now that works in Source and Orangebox is the "0-byte UDP" one. It takes a firewall to effectively block it, and that's most easily done for Linux servers.

There are also many plugin exploits out there (mostly ones that target Mani and ES). We recommend running the latest version of Sourcemod to help avoid being a target of these.
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