NFo StoryBook...How did you get to NFo?

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NFo StoryBook...How did you get to NFo?

Post by Nick|NFo »

Post your stories on how you came about to being here at NuclearFallout...

Let me tell you a little story about Nick|NFo....

Way back in March 2003, I was and still am a leader of a clan named Clan Mister, as a Redcell. There was another clan as part of the entire community of friends, called Nocturnal, who ran The owner of this particular server was Mayhem aka John, who is now a good friend of mine, told me about this server hosting company, NuclearFallout, so I came about the website and ordered my clan their own server. I joined the forums and noticed the usergroups for Rental Services Helpers. I joined IRC into #nuclearfallout and I queried about it via PM and in email, and was added to the usergroup as a Helper as “acuraCLS”. To_mas|NFo later added me to the userlist of #nuclearfallout as an "IRC admin, and support". After supporting in the main channel for a little bit, To_mas and I moved to [url=irc://]#NFo-Support[/url] in June of 2003, to separate support from the community channel. I changed my name to Nick|NFo and I have resided in IRC and forums ever since 8).
Last edited by Nick|NFo on Wed Dec 01, 2004 10:57 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Post by bOoya »

Once upon a time, bOoya and his clan [FooK] (faction of obnoxious kindred) had a server hosted by a company called Z**net. bOoya and his clan were quite happy with their server until suddenly they started getting 300 ping in the server. "WTF!?!" they cried to their server company. "Huh, we dont see anything?" replied the company.
Well, about 3 weeks of this passed until finally bOoya remembered a server that he had waaaaay back in the day called bOoya remembered the excellence of this server and the quality of the control panel that the hosting company provided. So, one day bOoya suggested to his clan's leaders that they consider renting from NuclearFallout!
bOoya's superiors analyzed and crunched the numbers and they decided to give this "NuclearFallout" a chance. At the end of that month (October, 2003), was lit up for the first time. "Hooray!" exclaimed bOoya and his teammates! "These pings, they're so dam low! wtf!" Well, shortly after that bOoya discovered the joys of #nfo-support. bOoya would idle there and wait for his chance to help people. bOoya would wait and wait and wait untill someone asked a really nooby nooby question.
After a while, bOoya's efforts were noticed by key persons and bOoya was asked to join the community. bOoya jumped on this offer and the rest, as they say, is history!
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Post by metro »

Back in December of 2003, I was in a clan called Angle Of Attack that tagged up =|A0A|=. We had a pretty strong team that had made up of some members of another clan, and 3 others that followed me from the previous clan that I was in. The other members from the other clan rented from NFo and I had been playing on their server quite a bit so I had grown familiar with #nuclearfallout. Before leaving my other clan to join =|A0A|=, I was an admin on our clan's server and we were having some mod issues so I began reading up on AMX mod and became a whiz at it. AMX mod was not really new at the time, but it wasn't as mainstream as AdminMod so people that knew it inside and out were scarce here and there.

I joined up with =|A0A|= and they put me in charge of admining the server as well as setting it up with mods for pub play. In doing this, I became a regular in #nfo-support asking a few questions here and there, and if someone had a question that I could answer I would answer the question and help as much as I could while the support staff was taking care of other rental questions. Towards the end of December of 2003, I was in the channel helping someone and all of a sudden, To_Mas said "metro, you should join up with us", and I was like "I should?" Nick|NFo, who was teh acuraCLS|NFo at teh time said "yes, you should". I tagged up teh |NFo and have been metro|NFo ever since. I am now also a server admin for HellFire and Three Mile Island.

It is amazing how fast a year goes by, and I am glad that I had the chance to meet Nick, as well as WonderBra, Tydel, SoB, and Jester. We really have some great people in this community and I am proud to be a part of it!
metro @ [url=irc://]#nfo-support[/url]
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Post by Nick|NFo »

no rentals have a story to share?

this is for you too :)
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Post by realchaos1 »

Actually I think I heard about NFO a long long time ago. Right around when you guys first came to be. I remember just searching yahoo for CS rentals. I remember going accross NFO and then just forgeting about renting a server. I recently began renting one in seattle and have been happy since. Servers have hickups every once and a while, but nothing to serious has gone down.
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Post by Edge100x »

We had some hiccups in Seattle a few weeks ago because of problems InterNAP had with running into bandwidth limitations, but those should be over now. If you have further problems please contact us directly when they happen and we will look into them for you.
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Post by simoncastillo »

I think I cant post here because I only got one month with NFo :oops:


It's a long long long history. Everything start on march 2004, when I reinstall Steam because I got some problems with it (so weird). Then I start searching servers I've found a really great server and I said: "WTF?!?!?!? so LOW pings! this cant be true!" and I just wait for a slot and Join to apocalypse.

It was a really smooth play with a really cool ping. After that I have to move on from the games until 2 month a go, in november I found that server again and I said: "WTF!? Those guys still with that kickass serveR?" and I join again, and I read the MOTD and I figured out.... "Those guys are a company! I'll buy my own kickass server like this!".

I bought my server December 3. And in some minutes I got my server working! I password it because I wanted to test it, and God, that was so fucking nice. Now I got my server online, almost of the time full or playing scrim with my friends.


OH... I still asking myself, Andrew you are a god?

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Post by TimeX »

Well I started here long ago. Back in early 2002 me and a friend started =TO= and had a server setup with the same company as my old clan used. After a few months it became clear that the server didn't ping well for all members and the service was crap. My co-founder started playing on other servers and found one she realy liked and very close to where she lived, an NFo server called firestorm if I remember right. Everyone on the team agreed the server and support were great and in August I got my TFC server.

Like most new clans =TO= didn't last long and a few months later I cancled the server. :cry: I decided I loved the community so much I been hanging around ever since and helping out when I can, and in that time I've seen NFo get alot bigger and better. Right now I'm just hoping I can get on the staff and help out in some way soon and waiting for the day when I get the money and connection speed to get another server. :wink:
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Interestingly enough

Post by GitRdone »

Well, Here I was. 18, credit card in my pocket, CounterStrike on my computer and no where to play. I decided to google "Counter Strike Rental Companies". I came across one known as GD. I noticed that they were in chicago and said "hey, i'm in chicago, let's try it out for a bit". Well, two weeks later, I noticed that my server kept crashing. "What's going on?" I asked GD support. "You added something bad to the server" they told me. Well, I thought to myself "hmm. I haven't added anything. No plug-ins. No maps. No nothing. What have I done wrong?". Well, after about a week of crashing every 40 minutes, i decided enough was enough. I canceled and went to my best buddy in the e-world. I said "Google, go find me 'GOOD Counter Strike Rental Companies'". And google led me from forum to forum. And guess where I ended up. You got it. I said to myself "Hmm, chicago as well. ping accelerator. Forums look like I could get help if i needed. I'll try it". So I got a 16 man public server. After 20 minutes of playing, I decided, yup, this is for me. And to this day, I have had 2 servers with NFo. My public that I closed (stupid annoying people). And now my teams 12 man private with HLTV and vent. Much Love to NFO.

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Post by robotics »

I was referred to the company by a friend of mine who I don't keep in touch with anymore unfortunately, but we are on good terms don't worry :)

The sheer performance and speed of replies here is great, and the prices are certainly reasonable for what you get in return. I've been a loyal and paying customer for a year and a half now and would never consider switching. We may need to take our server down unfortunately due to lack of community support and funding issues, but if ever there was a company to go with, NFO is it. :) Thanks so much for your help one and all.

I would volunteer my time to help with anything you guys need here but I'm hardly knowledgeable at anything gaming related. If you can think of another use for me I'm all ears.
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Post by Sledster »

I have been renting servers all the way back to 1999 form a total of
three other host providers. I have been with my most resent one that I droped after three years, Just b/c of poor service.
I found NFO by surfing the BF 1942 Arena and bookmarked their site.
Not only am I saving money's, NFO offers more..
NFO came in the nick of time for us, the {UI} Clan

Thanks, Sledster
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Post by Moos3d »

I guess it would be an odd way I ended up with the server.

Around November 04' I was playing DMC and I was very interested in bunnyhopping. On the server that I played on I posted on their forums and someone showed me how to jump on CS. Anyway I played my first kz map, gigablock. I just got more and more into kzing. I eventually ended up playing almost exclusively because of great plugins it had. Eventually there was a message saying the server was available for $50 a month since he didn't want it anymore and now I have it.
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Post by kalel »

How I came about NFO...

well I have been playing CS sine beta and have had many clans one including Orange witch was a really awesome clan I've had way to many servers to name

NRG Server and Game Daemons to name a few recent. well the guy who brought me into Orange introduced me to NFO I got on a 30 man L.A. server and was blown away by the pings even with 30 people playing at a time. never have I seen this before and I've been amazed by NFO ever since. and have been trying to get my Current Clan GYB to switch over to #nfo We switched to source with Game Daemons and it didn't work correctly and there was so many problems with it we switched back to 1.6 so I told the owner that I would fix up the 1.6 server back to the way it was. witch was running amx .16 with Cheating Death and all the mods. If he would give NFO a chance so we rented a NFO Source Server and how have the two and will be canceling 1.6 CS and hopefully staying with NFO...

I tell nick this all they time on IRC NFO ROCKS. So dose there support over all the years I've ran clans or help them with server problems I've never seen such support like NFO they know way to much for there own good :) ROCK ON NFO!

Also, I forgot to mention about 3 or 4 months ago a guy approached me to start a clan he pays for it I run it maintain it type deal of course I told him NFO or find some one else :D
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Post by Juice »

There was once a man named juice. His old server sucked. He moved to nucleafallout. Now his ping is just as low as his bank account =P
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Post by $MOKER_Snow »

Well now, I started playing CS back in 2001 when my Boss was talking about it and so, I started playing on their server. After about 3 mo. I was asked into their clan .... ~OLC~, OverLord Clan, we had a server through some company out of Texas that had multiple problems. We switched to 3 different server Co.'s, same problems .... We had heard about NFO, but the Leaders of the clan thought it was too expensive.
After the Clan went south, some of us started another.... and after about 3 Clans now, One of the original Members of ~OLC~ and myself started our "Family" we have been building for over a year now with a server from a co. called "ServeItUp", the server was OK, but tech support sucked. Well, about a month ago, without notice, they ceased operation. Well, we looked at NFO again and said, "They are supposed to be the best, lets give them a try", We Are here, and VERY SATISFIED so far. Great tech support and a smooth server. WE WILL RECOMMEND 'NFO' to everyone that asks. -THANKS !!!
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