Verio outage

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Verio outage

Post by Edge100x »

We're currently (as of 3:22pm) undergoing a complete connectivity outage at Verio. This outage began at around 2:50pm this afternoon. I am being told that the core Verio backbone router in LA is offline at this point, for unknown reasons. I will be getting more information to you as we get it.

Update @ 6:41pm: Our connection is still down. They are still trying to find out the problem; their fiber may be cut somewhere.

Update @ 7:40pm: They found the cause of the problem. Apparently Verio, in its infinite wisdom, decided to cut off several of its own routers because it was getting complaints regarding spam traveling through them. Absurd. Our servers should be back online very soon; I'll keep updating as I get more information.

I'd like to thank everyone for your patience with this. It's been a looooong day..

Update @ 8:52pm: They are telling us that our service cannot be reinstated until around 2pm tommorrow afternoon. I have offered everyone who is on Verio bandwidth either two free weeks there or one free week at InterNAP, in addition to my prior offer to move anyone up here to InterNAP ASAP. Please email me if you are a Verio customer so that I know what you are choosing and whether you need a server up tonight.

Update @ 5:19pm, 25 Sep 02: All servers are now back online.
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