Switched from Branzone

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Switched from Branzone

Post by Drake »

I was a Branzone customer for a year and a half until they dropped the ball with a TF2 server. Ok they didn't just drop it, they threw it down a well.

One of my clanmates had dealt with NFO in the past and suggested them. I have been nothing but impressed. My server was up 45 minutes after I ordered it. The "Easy Setup" in the control panel is awesome, even for people experienced in server configs. I would have killed for that feature the first few times I tired setting up a Far Cry, BF or HF server. Live Support is incredible. Instead of wasting time sending emails back and forth for days, you can resolve any issues you might have in a matter of minutes. And of course, the server. It runs flawlessly.

I switched from a "top" company to NFO and wish I had done it long ago. Hat's off fellas, awesome organization you have here.
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Post by Edge100x »

The guy who runs that company was once a customer of ours, if you're curious ;). That was a few years ago, of course.

It is a good company and I would recommend it for BF2 ranked servers (it probably wouldn't be around if it weren't for somehow making it into the BF2 ranked program, but that's another story..). I would not say it has quite the reputation that we do for Steam-based games, though :)
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Post by BnD|Sleeper »

Funny someone should mention Branzone because I scrimmed in a Seattle Branzone today and thankfully I live in Pullman, WA (middle of NOWHERE - Washington State University) and our OC-12 line goes into Seattle so I was looking at about 10ms ping, however even with such ping, the registry was about as accurate as the Heavy Weapons Guy in TF2 - only 1/20 shots actually hit where intended...

NFo owes it's success to the two dedicated founders/owners/kickassers
John & Tom

What a coincidence, John lives in Seattle where the company started and Tom in LA where the company thrives tremendously... hmmm... :-)

They are active in server support, flaming rebuttal and acclaiming to the throne of power over NFo. Although pricey, NFo is a key component to success in the gaming world because they provide everything necessary for server popularity and more; from powerful equipment to dedicated staff, to the automation of a swiss watch, the company aesthetically/externally is run very intricately with all the cogs working towards 1 goal: Customer satisfaction (and of course profit ;-))


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Post by Drake »

Well, I have no wish to bash on BZ, they treated me well all the way to the end. They do need to catch up a bit in the service dept. though. I could not get our TF2 server to run without massive lag spikes. I got a bit irritated with the fact that they expected me to figure out what the problem was. Anyway, Brandon and crew are a good bunch and I wish them the best. Meanwhile, I will gladly pay a slightly higher fee and not have to babysit their system.
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