NFO= Best Deal for Dedicated Servers

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NFO= Best Deal for Dedicated Servers

Post by JayArea »

For those looking into purchasing a dedicated server, look no further, get one from NFO. I have price matched dedicated servers from many companies, and only found a few that could even come close to the ones from NFO. The great thing about it however is, not only do you get a very powerful dedicated server, you get the amazing NFO bandwidth backing it.

Giant clans/communities wanting to set up many servers on the same box can do it on an NFO dedicated server with ease.

The setup time it takes is pretty quick for a dedicated server, as I believe mine was set up within 2-3 days. It is fairly easy to setup once you get the server, and even though the staff calls them "unmanaged servers" they are still very willing to lend a helping hand or point you in the right direction.

I would just like to thank John and NFO for providing such a great service at a very affordable cost. Thank you!
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Re: NFO= Best Deal for Dedicated Servers

Post by DontWannaName »

I am glad that they lowered their prices and took off the set up fee as a sale. The dedicated servers cant compete with other GSPs if they have a large setup fee or any at all. They are nice machines and at the moment are a great deal. I wish they would get rid of the setup fees since they are quite a turn off. I still think they should offer them in San Jose :P My servers were so popular when I had NFO, they still are but the network was better with NFO for sure. You cant stinge on the network when it comes down to game servers, most users will sort the browser by ping, with a good network your server should be lower to more people. Thus, you get a lot more people joining and favoriting. I have been off and on with NFO a few times, I like that they have started dedicated hosting and website hosting after I requested it 2 years ago. Better late then never, its a smart move.
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Re: NFO= Best Deal for Dedicated Servers

Post by Edge100x »

DWN, I can likely get you one in San Jose as a special case. Please shoot me an email about this.
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Re: NFO= Best Deal for Dedicated Servers

Post by DontWannaName »

I currently have my server with W___ who was just bought out by A___ and was forced to move my server upstairs at the datacenter. I cant say for sure but I feel like the network is not as good. I get unlimited bandwidth from them and with your dedicated server I would have to pay extra for bandwidth since last month my server used 3200 gigs and so far I am at 2000 for this month. I know its hard to compare networks but im not sure which would be better, in my case I am currently routed from Seattle to San Jose through Level3 and have about a 50 ping in San Jose, before the move it was a bit less but was still through level3.
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Re: NFO= Best Deal for Dedicated Servers

Post by Edge100x »

What's funny is that your IP there is actually run by a third GSP (I can tell you which one through email if you'd like). It looks like straight Level3 bandwidth, which means it is not going to anywhere near as good as InterNAP, but is certainly cheaper to them (probably 1/5 the cost or so). That's how they can afford to give you unlimited transfer.
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Re: NFO= Best Deal for Dedicated Servers

Post by DontWannaName »

Its c__, which is v___ servers, I know all about it lol. W___ is a reseller of c___, I dont know about their single servers but it looks like A___ bought W___ and they dont even own their servers. I cant afford a move from there to here with the 200 dollar extra bandwidth fee. My Seattle dedicated with them is hosted at netriver which is probably better than their san jose datacenter. The amount of hosts in San Jose are limited and I find it a good location for everyone on the west coast.
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Re: NFO= Best Deal for Dedicated Servers

Post by Edge100x »

So it's a reseller, of a sub-brand, that was bought by another reseller? That's a lot of company names for me to censor :P

Are you sure they're counting your bandwidth correctly? I've never seen anyone here use that much, and we have some bandwidth-heavy customers. 2000 GB ends up being close to 10mbps, and that's a pretty significant chunk.

It'd be better to talk about your specific circumstances in email, though.
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