Virtual server questions

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Virtual server questions

Post by AstroZombie »

I have never rented a dedicated server or a virtual one. I am very interested in renting one but I do have a few questions before I invest a lot of time and money.

Virtual server questions:

- What is your recommended method for remotely connecting to a Window 2003 server, Remote Desktop or some other second party software?

- Game control panels, since VS do not come with NFO’s control panel what second party applications do you recommend or know of?

- Starting games as a service when the OS/host reboots. Is there a way to have games start as a service?

- What applications do you recommend for monitoring the performance of the virtual operating system in this case Windows 2003?

- Patches for game servers, how do you go about learning of new patches for game servers and where can one access these resources. Is this a potential service you could provide letting renters of dedicated boxes know of patches that have been released so they can go out and download them say just a generic webpage announcing released server patches?

- Will you ever offer VS at your Washington DC location?

- Is the Windows operating system a default installation or have you customized the Windows OS in any way? If so was it for performance and security or just performance?

- Does the VS come with any games pre-installed or ready to be installed?
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Re: Virtual server questions

Post by Edge100x »

AstroZombie wrote:I have never rented a dedicated server or a virtual one. I am very interested in renting one but I do have a few questions before I invest a lot of time and money.
Sure, not a problem.
What is your recommended method for remotely connecting to a Window 2003 server, Remote Desktop or some other second party software?
Remote desktop.
Game control panels, since VS do not come with NFO’s control panel what second party applications do you recommend or know of?
I haven't used them personally, so I can't recommend a particular one over another, but there are a number to choose from, including TCAdmin, GameCP, and SwiftPanel.
Starting games as a service when the OS/host reboots. Is there a way to have games start as a service?
Yes, you can do this using FireDaemon or with its more bare-bones cousin SrvAny.
What applications do you recommend for monitoring the performance of the virtual operating system in this case Windows 2003?
In real-time, the task manager is the easiest way. You could also use the Windows performance monitor for finer-grained statistics.
Patches for game servers, how do you go about learning of new patches for game servers and where can one access these resources. Is this a potential service you could provide letting renters of dedicated boxes know of patches that have been released so they can go out and download them say just a generic webpage announcing released server patches?
Patches for Steam games are all released directly through Steam and are fairly easy to apply. For other games, you can generally find server patches at the same time as new client patches, but if you're having difficulty, please feel free to post and we'll help you find them.
Will you ever offer VS at your Washington DC location?
Most likely not, no. However, we are looking to expand to Seattle, LA, and Denver in the future.
Is the Windows operating system a default installation or have you customized the Windows OS in any way? If so was it for performance and security or just performance?
It's a default installation.
Does the VS come with any games pre-installed or ready to be installed?
If you choose the option for preinstalled common game servers, it does, yes. We include the most popular HL1, HL2, and Orangebox games by default, as well as COD4. We can also load other game types on for you if you'd like.
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Re: Virtual server questions

Post by rustydusty1717 »

AstroZombie wrote:I have never rented a dedicated server or a virtual one. I am very interested in renting one but I do have a few questions before I invest a lot of time and money.

Virtual server questions:

- What is your recommended method for remotely connecting to a Window 2003 server, Remote Desktop or some other second party software?

- Game control panels, since VS do not come with NFO’s control panel what second party applications do you recommend or know of?

- Starting games as a service when the OS/host reboots. Is there a way to have games start as a service?

- What applications do you recommend for monitoring the performance of the virtual operating system in this case Windows 2003?

- Patches for game servers, how do you go about learning of new patches for game servers and where can one access these resources. Is this a potential service you could provide letting renters of dedicated boxes know of patches that have been released so they can go out and download them say just a generic webpage announcing released server patches?

- Will you ever offer VS at your Washington DC location?

- Is the Windows operating system a default installation or have you customized the Windows OS in any way? If so was it for performance and security or just performance?

- Does the VS come with any games pre-installed or ready to be installed?
I'm sure John will be chiming in shortly to answer all yours questions, but in the meantime I will try and answer a few.

As far as connecting to the VPS/Dedicated servers, most generally use Remote Desktop, especially for Windows. Now you could use VNC as well. It works pretty good as well.

As far as patching/updates for games, it all depends on what games you are planning on running. For CS, CS:S, DOD:S, you can have it auto update on reboot. It's how I have mine servers setup. I just do a reboot once a week, and it updates the servers if there's an update. Like I said though, it depends on the game. I'm sure there's subscriptions for some games that you can sign up for, that will inform you of updates.

NFO is expanding their VPS's to all their locations as soon as they can. I would expect to see them expand to more locations in the new year.

NFO does pre-install many games, along with the latest versions/patches. I believe there's a list of all the games somewhere. John will know for sure.

Hope this helps a bit. John will be sure to give you all the answers you need, and probabally not shortly after I post. :)
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Re: Virtual server questions

Post by blue2kx »

I'd recommend TCAdmin for your Windows control panel. I've used it before and I've had a great experience using it with ease. Unfortunately, I can't say much about the other ones since I haven't tried them.
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Re: Virtual server questions

Post by AstroZombie »

Thanks everyone. Much appreciated.

Edge one follow up question. Is there a particular reason that VS will most likely not be offered at your Washington DC location that you can tell us about?
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Re: Virtual server questions

Post by Edge100x »

AstroZombie wrote:Edge one follow up question. Is there a particular reason that VS will most likely not be offered at your Washington DC location that you can tell us about?
DC is by far our smallest location, and there hasn't been any other demand for virtual machines there, so it would be the last to get a rollout.
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Re: Virtual server questions

Post by rustydusty1717 »

I'm sure Chicago would work well though. I'm near west coast of Canada and I get amazing ping! Average about 50 8). Hopefully VPS's will be offered in Seattle in the new year though.... :roll:
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Re: Virtual server questions

Post by AstroZombie »

Thanks Edge. Another question, for the Windows 2003 servers are the up to date with the latest service packs and patches upon setup or would I have to update the server with all service packs and patches?
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Re: Virtual server questions

Post by Edge100x »

It's impossible to keep them constantly up to date with the frequency at which Microsoft releases patches, but our OS installs are up to date as of a month or so ago. Windows will prompt you to set up automatic updates when you log in, and I'd recommend doing this, as well as applying all current updates manually.
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