
Use this forum if you have a relatively general question or comment about a game, Ventrilo, TeamSpeak, or Murmur/Mumble server with us. If you have a server-specific question that might not help out the community, please directly contact us through your control panel instead.
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Post by warrior »

Hi i will probley be getting a server today with you guys and i just need some info. My friends said you guys are AWESOME so i am going with tham :D I need to know if you guys can help setup my privite server for me, if not its all good. This will be my first time buying a server well... the last one i bought riped me off but anyway i dont know to much about runing a server its gonna be private so i gusse its not going to take much. If you guys can tell me how to put scriming stuff in the server lol for Counter-Strike Source that will be nice :P

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Re: Hello

Post by Edge100x »

After the server is set up, please just use the "Help!" link in your control panel with any questions you may have, and we'll do our best to assist. We often get requests to put things like league configs onto private servers, and that's no problem at all.

Our control panel is also designed to be easy to use, so you will be able to do a lot of things yourself :)
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Re: Hello

Post by warrior »

Yeah league configs is what i need thanks i just opened a support tiket.
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Re: Hello

Post by warrior »

Can you put the configs on for me?
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Re: Hello

Post by Edge100x »

Yes, we should be able to. Just ask in the ticket and let us know which configs you need put on :)
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Re: Hello

Post by warrior »

Alright thanks. One more thing :) i thought i get a free vent server 8O
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Re: Hello

Post by Edge100x »

12-slot and higher servers qualify for a free 10-slot Ventrilo server. If you forgot to check the Ventrilo server box when you ordered, please submit a change to your order to add it at http://www.nfoservers.com/order.php (just select what you did before, then select the Ventrilo option, then use the "This is a change to an existing server" option at the bottom of the page).
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Re: Hello

Post by warrior »

Alright thanks for all of your help grate service :mrgreen:
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Re: Hello

Post by Edge100x »

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Re: Hello

Post by rustydusty1717 »

You will LOVE your server! If you don't mind me asking, what FPS did you order? How is it working for you so for?
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Re: Hello

Post by warrior »

I do love it :D FPS 500.
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Re: Hello

Post by warrior »

Its working awesome lol alredy done 5 scrims on it the reg is noice working out realy good. I was going to get 2000 but it was like 79$ so i just went with 500 its still an OUTSTANDING server :mrgreen:
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Re: Hello

Post by rustydusty1717 »

Glad to hear it's working wonderfully for you. Like I've said before, no one can compare to NFO. Heck, they're even making the service better! Not sure how much better it really can get. :lol:
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Re: Hello

Post by DontWannaName »

A free Johnbot with every purchase :mrgreen:
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