unmanaged VDS for the redirect

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unmanaged VDS for the redirect

Post by death1*8*7 »

I was sent here by john to make this post so he can guide me through setting up an unmanaged vds to hold some redirects servers for my main server since its not offered yet

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Re: unmanaged VDS for the redirect

Post by axelkic »

which game(s) specifically?
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Re: unmanaged VDS for the redirect

Post by Edge100x »

If this is for CS 1.6, first you will want to increase the Windows pagefile size to something very high, such as 8 GB. In Windows 2003, you can do this by visiting Start->Settings->Control Panel->Advanced->Performance Settings->Advanced->Virtual Memory Change, and setting both an "Initial Size (MB)" and "Maximum size (MB)" of 8192. Windows will likely require a reboot for this to take effect.

After this, I'd recommend that you create the first redirect by following the regular CS 1.6 setup guide. Then, adjust its server.cfg so that it has a mp_timelimit of 0 (so that the map will not change), and configure it as you would any redirect server, loading the appropriate plugins.

Start up more servers in the same way, but put them on different ports, through the "+port xxx" command-line option. If you'd like them to have different names, you have two options: Give each server its own server.cfg file (one could be server1.cfg, another server2.cfg, and so on) and add "+servercfgfile itsfile" to their command lines; or, remove the "hostname" line from your master server.cfg file, and set names on the command lines with +hostname "whatever you want". Similarly, you can have them run different maps by removing the "map xxxx" line from your global autoexec.cfg file, and putting +map whateveryouwant on the command line for each server.

When you've created enough servers to run out of physical RAM, Windows will start "paging" the less-used memory from running servers to disk. That's OK, because once they are running, your servers don't actually need all of the memory they initially did; all they need to be able to handle is a quick connection and redirection every once in awhile, so most of their loaded map data and resources are never touched. Continue creating servers one at a time, slowly, until you have reached the number you would like, or until the machine starts to become less responsive (by waiting a minute or two after each server creation, you will be able to tell whether the lack of responsiveness is transient). That signals that Windows is "thrashing" and having to swap out memory that is quickly required again and must be perpetually reloaded, and that you need to close one or two of your most recently-started servers.

I have been told by a customer who followed this procedure that a 1 GB VDS can hold upwards of 50 redirect servers.
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Re: unmanaged VDS for the redirect

Post by axelkic »

i wonder how much bandwidth per redirect :P
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Re: unmanaged VDS for the redirect

Post by Edge100x »

Redirects use essentially no bandwidth, since they don't actually have to host players.
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Re: unmanaged VDS for the redirect

Post by death1*8*7 »

i Have windows vista, would i still need to increase pagefile size and if so how would i go about doing that?
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Re: unmanaged VDS for the redirect

Post by Edge100x »

We don't offer Vista here, since it's not a server OS. I would recommend against trying to do this on a home connection, since your redirects would have high pings, and you'd have to dedicate a full machine to redirects. I also won't be able to help you with anything not run here at NFO.

If you use a VDS, it would be best to use Windows 2003. You will need to choose the x64 version.
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Re: unmanaged VDS for the redirect

Post by death1*8*7 »

How about if u run them for me some how. or get someone to run it. and ill pay for them?
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Re: unmanaged VDS for the redirect

Post by Detox »

What are you trying to redirect that you can't host on your vps?
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Re: unmanaged VDS for the redirect

Post by Edge100x »

death1*8*7 wrote:How about if u run them for me some how. or get someone to run it. and ill pay for them?
We don't currently offer separate servers here that will redirect players into another one. Someone on these forums might be able to help you with the setup, but it's not something that we would be able to do directly.
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Re: unmanaged VDS for the redirect

Post by death1*8*7 »

just trying to setup redirect servers to redirects to my main server on CS 1.6.
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Re: unmanaged VDS for the redirect

Post by rustydusty1717 »

When I did redirect servers, I actually ran them on my home server. Ran 4 servers with a couple bots each, and it worked quite well. They won't get very well ping for clients, but it was descent, plus no one actually connects to the server itself so ping wasn't a huge issue. A VDS would work as well though.
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