bfbc2 performance

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bfbc2 performance

Post by Sim »

Anyone with a 32 slot bfbc2 server have players complaining when the server is full? I have discussed this with Edge in private, but wanted to see if others are having the same issues or not.

We have members complaining about rubber-banding and hit registry going down hill when the server is full (32slot) with players in queue. Some have said the server will crash if 6 players are in queue, i haven't seen our server crash due to 6 or so in queue waiting to join.

I didn't make the post to bash nfo, just wanting to see if anyone else is receiving the same kind of complaints or not. If you own a 32slot server and its running fine when full,do you mind posting if you have a normal rented server, VDS or managed full machine.
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Re: bfbc2 performance

Post by Edge100x »

To fill others in on the situation here, we've tested Sim on a dedicated machine (with his as the only server) and regular shared server at multiple locations, and his players still say that they experience the problem. This is reportedly with or without our admin daemon or external tools running on the server. At this point we have ruled out pretty much everything that it could be on our side, leaving us with a number of external possibilities:

- The game itself, simply by its nature -- DICE has had problems in the past with the way that the game uploads stats causing lag for players, for instance, something that they attempted to address with optimizations in the game server code and with Plasma
- Attacks on his server, or 3rd party tools affecting it
- Punkbuster, in some way

Any of these is a frustrating culprit. We can't control the way that the game behaves beyond the basic adjustments on the Easy setup page, and PB is outside of our realm of influence, beyond the pbsv.cfg file.

Other RSPs have complained about problems with full 32-player servers for as long as the game has been out, but we've never heard many of them here. I've heard inexplicable complaints like this from one other customer recently and we weren't able to find the cause in his case, either. My strong suspicion is that it's the game itself.
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Re: bfbc2 performance

Post by Sorry »


We have a 32 slot BC2 rush server that we run in Dallas. Due to our limited membership we don't fill up every night but last wednesday (5-25) we had a 18 hour run. The server ran really good. We had issues with lag in the past and been through a few providers. For some reason we were getting bad rubberbanding on Arica Harbor. Orginally we thought it was a DDOS attack, the previous provider told us it was "netlag" :roll: . It also happened when we moved here on the same map Arica Harbor. I turned off some procon plugins and that went away. We were getting stuttering from the chat window so we also turned off most of our chat producing plugins.(killstreaks etc) (You can try setting spambot to send a message every second as a experiment, it produces horrible stutter for us!) Now we just have a rules on request that only the player requesting can see. Running 3 plugins, and that seems ok. If we get some traffic this weekend, I'll post back.

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