server problems

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server problems

Post by pappy0279 »

we rent a server from you guys and for the last mounth or so its been kicking people for punbuster 9005 we have tryed all clinet side fixes nothing works we have reinstalled pb on the server nothing works.its almost like the server does not have enought bandwith to run the game and punkbuster
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Re: server problems

Post by Edge100x »

This wouldn't be a problem with running out of bandwidth, and more likely is an issue with PB or the game, though it could also be a routing problem.

We would be happy to investigate your server-specific problem with you. Please contact us through the "Help!" page in your control panel.
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Re: server problems

Post by pharrisonsg »

We're experiencing the same problem, and have been for quite some time, and we've reinstalled PB on serverwith no real solutions coming from the Help! section...have had people make changes on client side too without a solution to the before yesterday we had about 50 is our help listing...some not so hot suggestions by "The Help"...

Request #739395
Request Status:

Create Date:
07/23/11 19:34
Subject: Punkbuster kicks

Sat, Jul 23 2011 7:34pm
I'm told that we've been experiencing Punkbuster kicks all day that are the "losing key packets 9005" y'all know anything about this ? Or is there something we can do to minimize it ? or is it all EA ? thanks for the input !

Sat, Jul 23 2011 7:43pm - answered by TimeX
I have seen the problem come up before. My understanding of it is that it is related to connection issues, but is normally a temporary problem that will pass. If the problem persists, and you haven't made any recent changes to PB settings or streaming (such as PBbans), please let us know.

Mon, Jul 25 2011 7:58pm - answered by Jordan
I'll go ahead and close out this request now, since we haven't heard back from you. If you have any more questions or concerns, please just post a reply again -- the request will automatically re-open, and we will promptly respond.

Sat, Aug 6 2011 10:26pm
We're continuing to have issues with many players being kicked with losing key packets 9005 or 9003 errors on punkbuster...think we should reinstall punkbuster on the server ??? think that would help ??? I've gone out and played on other servers, and it doesn't seem to be an epidemic like it is on ours... any thoughts ?

Sat, Aug 6 2011 10:28pm - answered by Jordan
Try issuing this command PB_SV_Update. It will update PB. Also have clients manually update there PB.

Sat, Aug 6 2011 10:27pm
[00:22:41]: Server: <all> Sabre30 kicked, reason: PunkBuster kicked player 'Sabre30' (for 2 minutes) ...
[00:22:42]: Server: <all> Losing Key Packets 9005
[00:22:43]: Server: <all> IllmaticTX kicked, reason: PunkBuster kicked player 'IllmaticTX' (for 2 minutes)
[00:22:43]: Server: <all> ... Losing Key Packets 9005
[00:23:36]: Server: <all> Sabre30 kicked, reason: PunkBuster kicked player 'Sabre30' (for 2 minutes) ...

Sat, Aug 6 2011 10:31pm
Here's some for the past couple of hours...
[22:34:40]: Server: <all> Jugular-OH kicked, reason: PunkBuster kicked player 'Jugular-OH' (for 2 minutes)
[22:34:40]: Server: <all> ... Losing Key Packets 9005
[23:10:47]: Server: <all> BathOfBlood kicked, reason: PunkBuster kicked player 'BathOfBlood' (for 2
[23:10:48]: Server: <all> minutes) ... Losing Key Packets 9005
[23:42:43]: Server: <all> Das_Heretic kicked, reason: PunkBuster kicked player 'Das_Heretic' (for 2
[23:42:43]: Server: <all> minutes) ... Losing Key Packets 9005
[00:22:40]: Server: <all> romeo-jets kicked, reason: PunkBuster kicked player 'romeo-jets' (for 2 minutes)
[00:22:40]: Server: <all> ... Losing Key Packets 9005
[00:22:41]: Server: <all> Sabre30 kicked, reason: PunkBuster kicked player 'Sabre30' (for 2 minutes) ...
[00:22:42]: Server: <all> Losing Key Packets 9005

Sat, Aug 6 2011 10:32pm - answered by Jordan
Try issuing this command PB_SV_Update. It will update PB. Also have clients manually update there PB.

Sat, Aug 6 2011 10:36pm
will do...thanks !

Sat, Aug 6 2011 10:36pm - answered by Jordan
No problem. Please let us know if you need anything else.

Mon, Aug 8 2011 11:04pm - answered by Jordan
I'll go ahead and close out this request, since it sounds as though you're set for now. If there's anything else I can help you with, please let me know!

Wed, Aug 10 2011 8:40pm
Tonight we've had 8 kicks for the Losing Key Packets 9005 msg withing 2 1/2 this normal ? Does it happen on other BC2 servers ? I've done the PB_SV_Update, as well as restarting the server afterwards...nothing seems to help...thx ! Paul

Wed, Aug 10 2011 8:42pm - answered by Jordan
Since you have done everything server side clients will need to manually update PB.

Fri, Aug 12 2011 8:57pm - answered by TimeX
It has ben a couple of days since we last heard from you. Are you still seeing client drops like before, or does everything seem to be fine now?

Sat, Aug 13 2011 5:57am
Yes, quite a number of people are still being kicked...

Sat, Aug 13 2011 8:25am - answered by Brendan
Ok, as Jordan said the server is updated. But the players may need to update manually.

Mon, Aug 15 2011 8:43am - answered by Siren
I'll go ahead and close out this request, since it sounds as though you're set for now. If there's anything else I can help you with, please let me know!

Mon, Aug 22 2011 9:13pm
We've gotten pretty used to seeing the 9005 PB kicks, but tonight I went in and downloaded the logs, and for the current file #105, there have been 28 kicks for 905 error, and in the previous file #104, there were 46 kicks...wondering if this is happening on all BC2 servers, or just NF's, or just ours...could someone spot check the history file on one or two other servers and see if they are getting these too ? is it possible to have a backup of the data files, then a complete reinstall ? think that would help ? We've already "reinstalled" from our end for PB, but it didn't help...thanks for your consideration...

Mon, Aug 22 2011 9:18pm - answered by Jordan
In my experience with PB it is usually due to it being out of date. Client side also. Try running the PB update command "PB_SV_Update". Then update client side PB manually and see if it happens.

Tue, Aug 23 2011 5:18am
Yep, that has been our experience also...many of us have been gaming for more than 10 years...even removing the pb folder and reinstalling doesn't do the trick permanently...have already done the PB_SV_Update server side as you can see in this lengthy thread of this problem...

Tue, Aug 23 2011 9:11am - answered by Siren
I would recommend posting this in our forums and see if anyone else has experienced this.

Tue, Aug 23 2011 11:11am - answered by John
Not much can be done on the server-side about this. Try this client-side adjustment, which may help: ... usage.html

Tue, Aug 23 2011 12:21pm
John, thanks but that link has to do with PB lagging a machine, not the 9500 error kick... Or am I missing something here...

Tue, Aug 23 2011 12:29pm - answered by Siren
I would still try it
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Re: server problems

Post by Edge100x »

pharrisonsg, my suggestion that you try what's in that forum post was a good one, because we don't have many options left. I don't know of much on the server side that we can influence to potentially prevent this issue with PB, so we're left looking at client-side factors and routing.

Did you already run any traceroutes or MTRs to check for packet loss? Are these same players skipping/warping in-game? I have seen several customers with packet loss problems recently, likely because school is starting and usage patterns are shifting, making for higher loads than ISPs can handle during the evenings. I am personally seeing 5-10% packet loss on my home Comcast connection during peak hours.

In support requests, it is best to continue the conversation thread over a single day or night, so that one person can help you the entire time and only escalate or move you to someone else if their troubleshooting does not help you. In this way, the problem can also be quickly resolved, if it's resolvable. Here, you've stopped responding for days on multiple occasions.
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Re: server problems

Post by Edge100x »

Another thing you should look at: Are you using a 3rd-party PB streaming service? PB doesn't handle these very well sometimes, and it would be worth disabling that temporarily. Temporarily removing all customizations to PB in general would be a good troubleshooting step, as well.
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Re: server problems

Post by pharrisonsg »

Would love to handle it in one night, but I don't have that much time on the server in one sitting...

The kicks for 9005 are accross the one of the posts says, about 50 kicks in one 24 hour period...many different people, accross the globe... :) not just one ISP i'm sure...I as well as several other clan members have also had this happen, and we all use different ISPs in different parts of the country...
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Re: server problems

Post by pharrisonsg »

We do stream to PBbans...I'll try to set up a time to test disabling it for a period to see if there are no PB kicks...and if that fixes it, then my next question is, why would that be ? We've run PBbans on several other BC2 installations without a problem, why now ?

thanks !
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Re: server problems

Post by Edge100x »

Problems that seem to affect all players very commonly only actually affect a particular group, such as those who traverse a certain NSP on the outbound or have a certain client configuration. It is worth having one of these players run an MTR.

In fact, even if it's happening to everyone, having an MTR is useful. Though extremely unlikely (since we monitor our systems and networks so closely), there is always the possibility that the packet loss is at InterNAP or your hardware here.
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Re: server problems

Post by Edge100x »

pharrisonsg wrote:We do stream to PBbans...I'll try to set up a time to test disabling it for a period to see if there are no PB kicks...and if that fixes it, then my next question is, why would that be ? We've run PBbans on several other BC2 installations without a problem, why now ?
We've seen many problems with pbbans and other 3rd party tools, mostly because the game server is single-threaded and these outside providers sometimes send large numbers of commands or unusual commands that can delay execution of that thread. Delayed execution causes skipping/delays in-game as well as other potential problems, such as timeouts.

You might also have unusual, and potentially too-restrictive, PB settings that are blocking legitimate clients. Some of these settings might have been provided by the anti-cheat site. Wiping out any custom PB configuration will be a good way of seeing if anything in it is causing a problem.
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