CoD4 Connection Issue

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CoD4 Connection Issue

Post by daz »


We have had a query from one of our players relating to connection to our CoD4 server. Up until a few days ago he was able to play at the same time as his son on the server, from the same home network.

Now the second PC attempting to connect to the server times out. The player allowed me to connect to his PCs remotely and I have confirmed the issue. When the first player exits the server the second PC can connect to the game after waiting for 3-5 minutes (he continues to get a connection timeout during this delay).

Can anyone shed any light on this problem? Is it a server issue or the players home network? He states that he is able to connect the two PCs to other servers at the same time without issue.

Many thanks,

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Re: CoD4 Connection Issue

Post by kraze »

I have noticed this before. As far as I know this is not something we/you can control. In some cases the server freaks out and doesn't know why there are two users in the same server under the same IP but with different GUIDs.

Unfortunately I have never been able to find a fix for this. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't.

However as a suggestion have you tried disabling PB?
@Kraze^NFo> Juski has a very valid point
@Juski> Got my new signature, thanks!
@Kraze^NFo> Out of context!
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Re: CoD4 Connection Issue

Post by daz »

Thanks for the response.

Odd - he insists that he has been playing on the server withe the two PCs very recently and then it suddenly stopped. We also have people connect from cybercafes that will obviously have the same IP address, and also from the same home. The fact that he will can connect to other servers OK speaks volumes.

I have tried the set net_port ***** command on the desktop shortcuts, but that did not seem to make a difference.

Will not be going the disabling PB route. :)
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Re: CoD4 Connection Issue

Post by Edge100x »

It is possible that this relates to his home router's NAT/PAT algorithm. It might be worth trying a firmware upgrade and a look at its configuration settings to see if there is anything in there that might pertain.
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Re: CoD4 Connection Issue

Post by daz »

Thanks, I will suggest that as I seem to remember he was a version or two behind current.
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