Permissions General and FT Quota related

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Permissions General and FT Quota related

Post by Zero-R »

Sat, Sep 15 2012 12:31pm
I'm Setting up user groups when I try to apply a transfer Quota to them so they can upload or download files it tells me that I have insufficient permissions to set the quota for my new groups

Sat, Sep 15 2012 12:33pm - answered by Cody
try it after logging in with your super admin key.

Sat, Sep 15 2012 12:38pm
I'm Going to assume that's the Key under easy setup it doesn't work to do or is there a different place to get the super admin key

Sat, Sep 15 2012 12:40pm - answered by Brendan
That is the key, you may need to regenerate it.

Sat, Sep 15 2012 12:44pm
Already did the problem is it only assigns the server admin group(6) and that groups b_virtualserver_modify_ft_settings and b_virtualserver_modify_ft_quotas are not granted so they cant be set the super admin which I belive is group 1 normally assigns with a red admin shield which is the second way I know the key is only assigning standard server admin.

Sat, Sep 15 2012 12:47pm - answered by Brendan
Ok the other option is a wipe. Then you can start over some times these server lose sync. And act weird like this.

Sat, Sep 15 2012 12:50pm
I really don't want to loose how I have my server set up now and I have at least one other clan that I admin for and there server is having the same issue the same permissions are missing

Sat, Sep 15 2012 12:52pm - answered by Brendan
Ok it may be a bug your having then. If it is wide spread like that it is likely.

Sat, Sep 15 2012 1:04pm
Is there a way to fix it without wiping the servers or is that being looked into now

Sat, Sep 15 2012 1:05pm - answered by Brendan
I am not seeing another route. Unfortunately. If you want to hold off and look into it feel free just let us know.

Sat, Sep 15 2012 1:08pm
can you create a back up of the way my server is currently set up to restore for if wiping it doesn't work so as don't have to reset up everything for no reason I have no problems resetting up everything if the wipe works

Sat, Sep 15 2012 1:13pm - answered by Cody
We don't have a method for manually snapshotting voice servers.

Sat, Sep 15 2012 1:15pm
okay go ahead and wipe it and ill hope that's the issue also if you could make sure its running the newest server version if possible as the current version is at least 1 version out of date also what will we do and what will the solution be if even with the wipe it still doesnt work

Sat, Sep 15 2012 1:18pm - answered by Brendan
I have started the wipe now.

Sat, Sep 15 2012 1:21pm
still says that i have insufficent permissions to assign Quota information for new groups and the privilege key only does assign standard server admin not super admin

Sat, Sep 15 2012 1:25pm - answered by Cody
In that case you may be limited to the 2Gb global quota on ts.

Sat, Sep 15 2012 1:29pm
I Cant make it so a group is allowed to upload or download files when i try to set the permissions to let them it wont let me i set set to allow uploads and downloads but when i got to set the quota amount so that the server doesn't view it as zero since there is no Quota amount set that's when it tells me insufficient permissions if you could possibly log on to my ts so I can show you exactly what I'm talking about that would be the best since we are losing something here though text.

Sat, Sep 15 2012 1:33pm - answered by Brendan
I believe the file feature is disabled due to abuse now that you mention it.
I am sorry.

Sat, Sep 15 2012 1:40pm
REALLY so we wiped my server for NO REASON now I have to waste time that I could have used dedicated to something else to rebuild my server with nothing gained from it. And you explanation doesn't explain why admin accounts can upload and download files as well as guest accounts being able to download uploaded files.

Sat, Sep 15 2012 1:43pm - answered by Brendan
Ok I stand corrected, they are allowed 1 gb per user. My apologies for the confusion.
Please try setting it for 1gb limit and see if that works.

Sat, Sep 15 2012 1:45pm - answered by Brendan
Also i should have linked this : ... =56&t=5299

Sat, Sep 15 2012 1:45pm
it wont let me set anything it wont even allow me to set 1MB my response @ 12:44 explains why

Sat, Sep 15 2012 1:57pm - answered by Brendan
Ok what other specific settings are you unable to lock?
Please let me know.

Sat, Sep 15 2012 2:03pm
Those are the only ones that I have needed to use at this time so its the only ones I have tried the only other permissions i can see that could be useful would have been nice to have had before the wipe but the b_virtualserver_snapshot_create and b_virtualserver_snapshot_deploy permissions would be useful

Sat, Sep 15 2012 2:06pm - answered by Vanderburg ... =56&t=5299 shows the only permissions we enforce, so if you are using a super admin via the privilege key, these should not be restricted.

Sat, Sep 15 2012 2:10pm
The privilege key given on the easy setup page of the Cpanel is only for standard server admin. Where else do I find a privilege key that will give me the super admin?

Sat, Sep 15 2012 2:14pm - answered by Vanderburg
Have you tried modifying any other permissions with the privilege key since the reset? These really should not be restricted to you.

Sat, Sep 15 2012 2:25pm
Here is a list of permissions that i can not set and am not granted using the key

All Permissions under Global

Under Virtual Server
b_virtualserver_log_add <--NFO Enforced
b_virtualserver_snapshot_create *would be nice to have*
b_virtualserver_snapshot_deploy *would be nice to have*
b_virtualserver_modify_ft_settings <-- can not grant or edit *needed*
b_virtualserver_modify_ft_quotas <-- can not grant or edit *needed*
b_virtualserver_modify_maxclients <--NFO Enforced
b_virtualserver_modify_hostbutton <--NFO Enforced
b_virtualserver_modify_port <--NFO Set
b_virtualserver_modify_log_settings <--NFO Enforced
i_ft_quota_mb_download_per_client <-- can not grant or edit *needed*
i_ft_quota_mb_upload_per_client <-- can not grant or edit *needed*

Sat, Sep 15 2012 2:29pm - answered by Vanderburg
The quota is restricted to 1GB per user. If you want a different amount, you must host your own TS3 server on a VDS.

Sat, Sep 15 2012 2:30pm
If I create a custom group i can not even set the 1GB quota for that group and they cannot perform any file transfers due to no Quota being set

Sat, Sep 15 2012 2:32pm - answered by Vanderburg
Would you mind posting this on our forums at so that John, our CEO, can take a look and give some clarification on this?

:evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil:
Please Help me Here and explain why this went on for so long when the root of the problem I explained within the first 15 minutes of this request. THEN I'm told i need to come on here and post the same thing on here good thing i guess i didn't have anything that i HAD to do today

I'll Be honest here if there was another provider that allowed some of the more complex items that NFO does i would consider switching just over this it got way out of hand in my opinion having to come this far.
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Re: Permissions General and FT Quota related

Post by Zero-R »

Ill also note I just noticed that my request for the server to be updated to the newest version seems to have been ignored or not acknowledged as it is still running the old version.
Sat, Sep 15 2012 1:15pm
okay go ahead and wipe it and ill hope that's the issue also if you could make sure its running the newest server version if possible as the current version is at least 1 version out of date also what will we do and what will the solution be if even with the wipe it still doesnt work
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Re: Permissions General and FT Quota related

Post by Edge100x »

I replied in the support request after it was assigned to me and we have been discussing this there.

The 1 GB quota is an intentional limit here, but the TS3 server not using the correct limit for new groups is not intentional on our part -- it could be designed behavior in the TS3 server, or a bug.

We did not edit our configs to limit these permissions that you mentioned:
.. which means that they are disallowed by default. In the case of the snapshot settings, I don't think that we can feasibly enable them, because that could allow locked permissions to be made editable. On the log settings, I will have to research and determine why TS3 defaults to having them off.

Upgrading our TS3 server base version is non-trivial, but it's something that I can also work on.
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Re: Permissions General and FT Quota related

Post by Zero-R »

Okay as a knowledge point for anyone else or a piece of advice for anyone else with this issue a work around for it is as follows take the Normal server group appears as Normal(7) on most NFO servers and strip it of ALL permissions except for its Quota permissions. After you have done that you can then create your custom groups and set up their permissions as you want and they wont then with the Normal(7) server group and you can also set your upload, download, delete, rename, browse and create powers separately for each of your custom groups. Unfortunately here comes the bad news for this work around not only do you have to set each user as the Custom group you create but you also have to set them as the Normal(7) group as well but fortunately since you stripped all its permissions the only thing it will be good for is allowing them to upload/download files.
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Re: Permissions General and FT Quota related

Post by squirrelof09 »

Perhaps, try to copy the permissions of a group that has the allowed quota settings to a new group and then modify this groups permissions to the level you need it to be
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