Psychostats - clan icons.

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Psychostats - clan icons.

Post by Syn »

I'm trying to change the little icon for my clan that shows up throughout psycho stats. If someone has done this can you tell me how you did it or what you think I should do..

Here's the tidbit from the Psychostats help:
This is also just a custom option like those explained above. But this one is built into the default theme sets with PS1.9.
The "icon" is the little 'head' image that appears next to a clans name in any of the clan/player listings within the statistics pages (for example, clans.html). This icon is sort of like a mini logo for the clan. With this, clans can further customize how they appear in the statistic pages.
The icon should be a relative path to an image file on the webserver."

But my control panel says:
"For storage of player/clan logos, it is recommended that you use the free webspace that we provide you. It is not possible for you to store logos directly on the stats site here"

So, uh... if it's jus an icon do i put it on the stats server? what would the path be?

I only update once per day so the troubleshooting on this is taking quite awhile. :?

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Post by Edge100x »

Usually it's fastest to email me ;). No images at all can be stored on the stats server, simply because the control panel is not set up to accept them (it only handles text files appropriately). If you want to customize images, you'll need to upload the new ones to your free webspace and then reference them using the full URL.
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