Fake BF4 Server!

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Fake BF4 Server!

Post by TimSad »

This is NOT us... http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf4/se ... layers-LA/

It appears to be a server hosted by GS and this person imitated as much as from the server name to the server description. They have a few flaws, though. We don't run our servers as Official and I never allow my servers to go Custom and stay that way. Not to mention that it is an empty server so that's definitely saying something.

Anyone else seeing servers jacking your clan/community name? If this server remains up, is there anything that I can do about it?
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Re: Fake BF4 Server!

Post by kraze »

I've seen this happen a few times. Truthfully, there isn't anything you can do about it. However, it never hurts to contact the company and ask if they can do anything or pass a note on to the owner asking him to change his name. I'd also recommend contacting the server owner separately.

On the brightside, your server is popular enough that someone wants to copy it :D
@Kraze^NFo> Juski has a very valid point
@Juski> Got my new signature, thanks!
@Kraze^NFo> Out of context!
@Juski> Doesn't matter!
@Juski> You said I had a valid point! You can't take it back now! It's out there!
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Re: Fake BF4 Server!

Post by wihgaming »

I've had this happen to my server back when I had a really popular BF2 server. There wasn't much that I could do other than to tell my clan/community that the server isn't ours.
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Re: Fake BF4 Server!

Post by ADKGamers »

There are certain providers that will help you with that if you contact them and let them know what's up. BUT gameservers is NOT one of them. They say there is nothing that they can do, not even talk to the owner unless you have a registered trademark of the EXACT Server name.

They are by far the worst with that and it's quite sad to see, and it seems as though they support it.
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Re: Fake BF4 Server!

Post by Edge100x »

If you don't have any luck contacting them directly, let me know, and I can ask them from my end. When other providers bring this type of fake server to my attention, I take care of it, and I expect the same from them. So does DICE.
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Re: Fake BF4 Server!

Post by markym »

I had this happen too with BF3 --- someone in Chicago copied our server name and it was a GS server. If I recall John at NFO helped me get this resolved as he was able to vouch for the fact that my clan was the original clan as we have been with NFO for about 5 or 6 years now. I also provided my website and forums info so I could prove we were the clan and this other group had hijacked our name. I believe Gameservers has something about this in the TOS which I recall reading and quoting back to them as well.
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Re: Fake BF4 Server!

Post by dyno »

Yes, it's happened to us too. Not only that but other groups stealing our custom website graphics, donation info & perk structure word for word.

Imitation is the most sincere form of flattery. It just sucks all around.
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Re: Fake BF4 Server!

Post by FAST »

Yes it happened to 3 of my servers in bf3.

And I even had a group calling themselves natural born gamers attempting to copy our website as well with free CMS system, i guess they couldn't afford VB

Anyway, the reason is because you have popular servers. They brand it with yours so the public sees SOC and your loyal group of players will see it and join. Then they will attempt to rename it back into their desired name once the server is populated consistently.

This never worked for the guy who did it to us. He got it going for a few days but won't get far. Just post on your website that server does not belong to you. In a few months it will disappear.

And don't try to approach this person or the GSP. They don't care as it brings them money. But if John can help you, even better. I didn't think NFO could do that.
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Re: Fake BF4 Server!

Post by Sorry » 0/32 =LSR= BF4 24/7 Fun Modez Server Battlefield 4:

That what is was on 11/3/13, but maybe a new rental now.
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Re: Fake BF4 Server!

Post by Ruger »

Had the same problem during BF3. Had Texas Roadkill and Texas Roadkill #2 going at a different GSP and a couple of guys that always played on our Gun master server decided to start their own GM server at NFO and named it Texas Roadkill #3. I confronted them about it but they just wanted to try to get our patrons and continued to act like children. Hell...since BF4 came out I shut down our bf3 servers and put up our BF4 at NFO but these guys are still running their BF3 server at Some people just dont have any respect for others nowadays.
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