How are other servers enforcing the pistol and knives only?

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How are other servers enforcing the pistol and knives only?

Post by KraXed112 »

I see that, if anyone anything other then a pistol or knife they would get kicked.
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Re: How are other servers enforcing the pistol and knives on

Post by Edge100x »

I would expect this to be possible with a plugin. But, please note that it's not allowed on Ranked servers, due to the EA RoC. They've been cracking down on servers that try to restrict weapons or player activity (such as flagrun servers) lately.
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Re: How are other servers enforcing the pistol and knives on

Post by TacTicToe »

Bout damn time!! I report ranked BF3 servers regularly for RoC violations. Nice to see EA finally enforcing their own rules!
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Re: How are other servers enforcing the pistol and knives on

Post by _Main »

Well i think this is bullshitt - of course the admins should be able to run a pistol only server if they want to, and i do - there is a reason to it beeing full 24/7, that reason beeing that it is popular "They like it" and so do i -

The way i do this is by using
You have to pay a little each month to have access to all their plugins, but it's no more than a procon layer so it's worth it - they are also the guy's with the most plugins with a mile - Weapon limiter, forbidden weapons, votemap/votekick/voteban, advanced idle kicker, Chat filters, grenade spam limiter, kpd checker, metabans, ranks, vote surrender, logs, kill announcer "just to name a few".

and to all you ignorant fools saying that this is now to be allowed - CAREFACE! :roll: :roll: :roll:
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Re: How are other servers enforcing the pistol and knives on

Post by markym »

I think on an unranked server you should be able to do this ..but ranked servers need to be somewhat controlled or else the playing field is unfair. I don't like it much either but I get why "ranked" and "official" servers need to have some controls on them. To many MADmins out there and people who think that everyone that's good is a hacker.
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Re: How are other servers enforcing the pistol and knives on

Post by _Main »

Me and most my friends find modes like Sniper/knife and pistol/knife really fun - it's really intense and somewhat controlled to just plain and simple TDM/DOM - and to play it unranked? lamest shieet ever...

Where does it stop? no really, where does this madness stop -

As i see it you'd have to be a reliable admin, not abusing but Fair/Mature to keep server popular, if these so called Madmins are out there - so screw them, their are heaps of servers so why are peaople whining? well it's Above & Beyond me. let them waste their money on servers....

I have 2 servers right now and their full 24/7, i have my own little clan - and i run things pretty tidy, i put an effort in keeping peaople happy THUS is my servers full 24/7 - Why the HECK should i be Punished for the Childish admins who owns servers where NO ONE Really plays after all -

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Re: How are other servers enforcing the pistol and knives on

Post by TacTicToe »

You CAN run a pistol only or whatever only stupid server rules if you want to, just not as a RANKED server. I fully agree with that. The ranked server should be run as the game was designed and intended, all weapons, vehicles and perks allowed. It is how I run our servers, and they are full all the time, BECAUSE we run them as they were designed and intended.

Now mind you, there are many weapons or perks in games that I just can't stand, but guess what I deal with it, and the servers remain full. For example, Homefront game has a MASSIVELY over powered shotgun. The damage is unbelievable. The "no shotgun allowed" servers sit empty, 24/7. My server is always full and ranked #1 on Gametracker, because I don't impose stupid rules. This is just one example. My CoD servers are the same way.

When I go on a 24/7 Metro server with 64 players, I already know to expect complete chaos, it is why I went on the server. Sometimes I like a little frantic, get one kill and respawn. The frantic frenzy of that is a bit of a rush. Now when that same server says you can't use RPGs or noob tubes, well that's a problem. Now you are changing the game play design of the game. You are also now violating the RoC if it is a ranked server. You also just got reported to EA by me. Don't tell me what weapons I can use, on YOUR server when you have agreed to run YOUR server by THEIR rules. Period. When you run a ranked EA server, you are agreeing to abide by EA's RoC. Been that way since BF2 folks.

Want it your way? Fine. Run it un-ranked as you like, and go to your server and listen to the crickets chirp in harmony in the back ground.
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Re: How are other servers enforcing the pistol and knives on

Post by Sim »

I don't see any problem with pistol/knives servers. You can use any weapon you want long as it's a pistol. :P
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Re: How are other servers enforcing the pistol and knives on

Post by _Main »

Pricks like you and their silly "Power Trips"- i get that reporting a such childish shieet makes you feel good, maby even turns you on - but that's beside the point, and why this so called "stupid rules" stuff of yours so popular? from the time i started the server i've had over 5000 unique visitors where almost 2400 of them have visited the server 2+ times - i have atleast 700-1000 regular players on there with 13-30 visits. THIS IS ON A 32/34 slot server- now can you tell me this aint popular? that peapole dont like it? OPEN YOUR GOD DAMN EYES! it's not all about you...

Pricks like you... and your rules.....

As far as the popularity goes most the guy's on my server have already unlocked most the pistols, and they still stay? that must mean that this shiet is fun? does it not?
Then AGAIN why should Pricks like you ruin this?

Pricks like you, ruining for others......

take care "PrIcK".....

_Main out.
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Re: How are other servers enforcing the pistol and knives on

Post by Peacelulz »

_Main wrote:Pricks like you and their silly "Power Trips"- i get that reporting a such childish shieet makes you feel good, maby even turns you on - but that's beside the point, and why this so called "stupid rules" stuff of yours so popular? from the time i started the server i've had over 5000 unique visitors where almost 2400 of them have visited the server 2+ times - i have atleast 700-1000 regular players on there with 13-30 visits. THIS IS ON A 32/34 slot server- now can you tell me this aint popular? that peapole dont like it? OPEN YOUR GOD DAMN EYES! it's not all about you...

Pricks like you... and your rules.....

As far as the popularity goes most the guy's on my server have already unlocked most the pistols, and they still stay? that must mean that this shiet is fun? does it not?
Then AGAIN why should Pricks like you ruin this?

Pricks like you, ruining for others......

take care "PrIcK".....

_Main out.
You know... originally I kind of understood your defense... however, now that you're taking it so personal just because someone disagrees with you, quite a lot actually in regards to what should be allowed in ranked and official, I am now just going to go report random violators while pinching my nipples and screaming into the wind with pleasure.

On a more serious note... no I cannot say I really agree with a server being able to restrict rules so much. In fact it's servers like yours, that frustrated others who didn't want to partake and were thrown in that caused the tighter restrictions we now face. Running a pistol server is essentially boosting, hence why they aren't allowed.
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Re: How are other servers enforcing the pistol and knives on

Post by 10-78 Busterking »

My opinion on this, it's about freedom of choice. This ranking stuff is taken way out of proportion by EA and Activision. Remember when COD was first released, server files were available to everyone, all the guns/weapons were available right away to everyone, we had great custom maps and user related content ALL for free. It was fun to have different choice for the servers.

Now, they want to control everything, it's all a money grab.

Point boosting? with pistols ? You really think that's the intention of those servers ? Wow, well if it is, which I doubt, it's a crime to who? The money grabbing companies because they want their system to be addictive in making the players the need to rank up.

I knew when they started that ranking BS that's where it was going, bye bye user content and custom maps. Free stuff is GONE!

Reporting servers to make EA's job easier to block community satisfaction. No, I won't be part of that reporting BS. You pay for your server, freedom of control shouldn't be that restricted.

I can see why someone would be upset over being controlled so much over JUST a game.

Give them a break, they are enjoying themselves, that's the bottom line.
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Re: How are other servers enforcing the pistol and knives on

Post by _Main »

Fuck me - your a man of Caliber - man i love you mr. Busterking :) someone who gets the point!
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Re: How are other servers enforcing the pistol and knives on

Post by Dixa »

Irregardless of what you feel should and should not be allowed, please remember that game servers are considered private domain. You have no rights beyond what the company gives you to run your server. You are a renter, not an owner.
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Re: How are other servers enforcing the pistol and knives on

Post by 10-78 Busterking »

Dixa wrote:Irregardless of what you feel should and should not be allowed, please remember that game servers are considered private domain. You have no rights beyond what the company gives you to run your server. You are a renter, not an owner.
Oh ya, the old renting argument...LOL

I rent a car, don't have the rights to drive it, no rights to have a passenger, no rights to turn left, no rights to have my wife driving it, no rights to stop at a store... any of that make any sense?

Do you get my drift?

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Re: How are other servers enforcing the pistol and knives on

Post by _Main »

I just dont like the "Perverse" detour the industry is taking - one thing i used to really love about games was the freedom, The best content in most games was user made - this includes Missions,Maps,Cars,Weapons all you can think of - These day's it's all for and about profit, on a Pruduct they cant even Finish to begin with...

Look at games Like Arma, the game is really good - if you where to mix games like Arma and Battlefield you'd have the most awsome game ever.. Handling and intensity of battlefield and the Freedom of Arma. This is never going to happend as EA and what not is Greedy as FUUU!

Releasing unfinished content in a way they do/did with battlefield 4 is pathetic -

All eaten by the system..... Money,Money,Money and MO Money!;;