An apology to John

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An apology to John

Post by royamay »

I was very fortunate to find NFO servers as my very first server provider. I used NFO severs off and on for years. Ill admit I have created at least 4 accounts to take advantage of free 2 days of service. Not this time or ever again in fact I wouldn't mind paying it and here is why. Back in May or June I had a crazy I Idea to reinstall my windows vps using a cd image on the computer because I was being cheap and didn't want to buy the extra HD space for backup. I got it to install and work and it was ok except for license key validation it was annoying and probably a violation of MS TOS. I threw a huge fit and acted like a spoiled little brat because he (john) wouldn't let me barrow HD space to reinstall, and he refused to login and activate it. (I'm not complaining hes covering his covering his bases ) I was going to put up a flame but started reading his replies to people and got pissed and just took off. fast forward to now 5 - 6 months and $500 later, I have been not joking to 14 or 15 providers I have learned ALOT cheap means no customer services and I mean NONE they all have live chat that act like your not worth their time and blow you off . or you spend a little bit more semi good customer service and substandard hardware and usage. 70% have neither. what I have the hard way and over 500 dollars seriously i always go VPS or dedicated and there are NO refunds with them in the real world at all. so trust me when I say this I PROMISE YOU WONT find better customer service I've never seen his prices go UP actually they went down . YOU WILL find cheaper way cheaper service blow your mind cheap . you'll soon find out why when your suddenly stranded without a sever or a refund.. and if he is saying something and your offended you probably deserved it. You got it good here don't loose it!
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