Server Pushing Hidden Files (Even After Wipe)

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Server Pushing Hidden Files (Even After Wipe)

Post by Snowleopard »

Whats going on everyone? I am in dire need of help with a rather interesting issue on my Garrys Mod TTT server. I installed the addon TTT DECAPITATION V2.1 No Sound! pretty old school. Download the addon, extract with gmad.exe, ftp into the server, drop it into the addons folder as well as on the FastDL. Works great and all and was how things were normally done back in the day, but in an attempt to move as many addons from the older FastDL way to the newer Steam Workshop method, I ran into a few problems. The first being that the server would on every reconnect and map switch, every file in the FastDL.lua file would have to be redownloaded. This rubbed my OCD in the wrong way and ultimately became an annoyance for me especially. So, I moved as much as I could over to a Workshop Collection, made a workshop.lua file, and removed the fastdl.lua file. Everything was working great, except there was one small issue, the TTT Decapitation mod's materials kept trying to be pushed down the the clients. So, I went back into the server via FTP and tried to track down the files and delete them. I looked in the server's fastdl, nothing. I looked in the materials folder on the server, nothing there either. This led me to believe that the files are somehow hidden. After taking another look over all of my options on the control panel page, it looked like I would have needed to do a full server wipe. After the wipe, and nothing was on the server (or at least I thought so, Ulib and ULX were mysteriously still installed), the same problem persists.

Heres a gif of what happens on connect to the server:

Upon connect to the server, it looks like the addon is still present after the wipe. Players still get decapitated on headshot, but the textures, most likely these .vmt files shown above are missing. My mistake for not using the built in addon deleter in the control panel. But since a wipe will not delete these files, and FTP clients can not see these files (Yes, I've tried ticking the Show hidden files setting), will I have to terminate my account and make one anew? Or is there some other method that can delete these files?

Thanks a bunch!
- Snowleopard :oops:
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Re: Server Pushing Hidden Files (Even After Wipe)

Post by Vanderburg »

If you contact us from the Help! tab in your game server control panel, and let us know the names of the specific files that you're downloading that you don't want it to, we can certainly take a look and see if we can track them down for you.
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Re: Server Pushing Hidden Files (Even After Wipe)

Post by Edge100x »

A wipe will completely reset your server to the stock configuration. If Ulib is still installed after a wipe, then either it's being reinstalled (such as if it's still listed as an SVN download on the "Easy setup" page) or something is seriously wrong. We can certainly take a look at this for you if you contact us.

The workshop isn't particularly better than using SVN/git, if your addons still support those.
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