A3 - Key mismatch but they are identical - What gives?

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A3 - Key mismatch but they are identical - What gives?

Post by S5_Root »

Yesterday I uploaded Cup Terrains Core and Maps v1.4.2. I put the keys in the keys folder and added the mods to the mod parameter and started the box up. Came up just fine but when I try to join it I get the key mismatch error. I hop back into the FTP connection and compare the keys on the server with the keys I have on my machine...identical. What is going on?

I even set the "equalmodrequired" flag in server.cfg to 0 in hopes it would loosen up a bit...but no joy.
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Re: A3 - Key mismatch but they are identical - What gives?

Post by S5_Root »

and I'm getting a CRAP ton of this in the log:

2018/02/22, 16:49:14 Server error: Player without identity Root_xxx (id 1151xxx310)

where xxx are random numbers because reasons. :)
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Re: A3 - Key mismatch but they are identical - What gives?

Post by Caliban55 »

Could you please post your RPT file, so that I can take a look at this (both your client and server if possible)?

Both equalModRequired and checkfiles should not be used in the server config, they are outdated and especially equalModRequired is problematic (I suspect this is causing your key problem).
Player without identity
is a "normal" ArmA error, it usually affects the first player connecting to a freshly started server mission. Fix: just re-connect, or in your server start-up parameters use -autoInit.
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