Need help with an auto restart after crash or hang batch for gmod

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Need help with an auto restart after crash or hang batch for gmod

Post by kaisar123 »

how do I make my gmod server auto restart if it crashes or stops responding or hangs ect? tried batch but it prompts a question that says if you want to terminate the batch job, which requires input of either the Y or N key making it not automatic when the server is closed or crashed. I know theres a way to do it in batch but I lost the code for it along time ago. was just wondering if yall could help.

heard about server doc but having problems with it.

need something that can also auto close any extra error windows that pop up when crashes happen on the srcds.exe. I dont know if batch does that though.

help thanks
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Re: Need help with an auto restart after crash or hang batch for gmod

Post by Edge100x »

FireDaemon is one reasonable way of doing this. There are also many game panels that have the functionality built-in (some of which should be free).
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