Hyper-V Configuration

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Hyper-V Configuration

Post by mogey »

Hi there, I've been attempting to setup a virtual external network switch in Hyper-V to allow my VMs to connect to the internet.
Everytime I setup the virtual switch my machine loses it's internet connection. It seems like the static IP configuration isn't carrying over to the virtual adapter when the server switches over to use it for its connection.

Anyone have any ideas on how to set this up, why its not working, or if I'm just doing this wrong? Open to any and all ideas.

Running Windows Server 2016 on this machine by the way.

Also just a side note: I've messed up setting this up twice now at this point and NFO support has been nothing but wonderful in helping me restore the settings back to default once I've lost connection to the server haha, so hats off to you guys.
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Re: Hyper-V Configuration

Post by mogey »

So I've actually got the adapter functioning now, however the issue that I have now is that an IP address conflicts happens as the VM and the server are attempting to use the same IP address. Is there a way to have them share one IP address?
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Re: Hyper-V Configuration

Post by Edge100x »

To have them share an IP address, you'd have to use some form of NAT, with a private IP address handed to the VM that is translated to the public IP address of the machine. This isn't something normally done on individual machines -- usually it's simplest and best to give each VM its own public IP address.
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