Possible to run unmanaged VDS from VMWare?

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Possible to run unmanaged VDS from VMWare?

Post by EugeneL97 »

I know we are able to use TightVNC Viewer and it works perfectly. I was curious to know if anyone has tried or is able to run their VDS on VMWare? I'm more comfortable with the interface and I prefer it for comfort, but I don't want to delve into it too much if it's not possible to connect them.
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Re: Possible to run unmanaged VDS from VMWare?

Post by Edge100x »

VMWare is a separate virtualization platform from Xen. I would not expect for VMWare tools to work with our systems.

Because its communications are not encrypted, it's important not to use the VNC system for routine server administration. Instead, you should use mechanisms provided by the OS (SSH, RDP, a local VNC server that tunnels over SSH, etc.) The VNC console that we provide is meant for recovery purposes, such as if a customer makes a mistake with the in-OS firewall and needs to get in to adjust it, or the system isn't booting up correctly.
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Re: Possible to run unmanaged VDS from VMWare?

Post by EugeneL97 »

My use for my virtual server is just to handle a Minecraft server for a select group of friends.

I used PuTTY to install Xubuntu since I was just looking for a lightweight GUI where I can set up everything easily. My knowledge of Linux is pretty poor and I've taken a Linux class, but it was all command line and learning to maneuver through the system. I wanted a GUI to simplify it, so I use TightVNC Viewer to access it. It has a considerable amount of lag to it, but it works better than command line, for my purpose.

I was hoping there could be a better option or if I can possibly access a GUI through PuTTY, but I'm not educated enough in Linux to know if I can get a GUI to show with a SSH client. I'm mostly looking to simplify my process for setting up the server, downloading plugins, editing settings for plugins, etc.

I may just move to full on command line when I only have to make minor changes to the server to reduce resource usage but for now, my plan is to use a GUI and TightVNC is doing that for me, whether or not that may be optimal.
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Re: Possible to run unmanaged VDS from VMWare?

Post by Edge100x »

A GUI doesn't really help when it comes to setting up game servers, since they are all just configured through the command line anyhow. A good way to do things is to use your desktop GUI to manage multiple SSH windows as well as an SFTP window so that you can edit files. And, of course, your desktop should be used for web browsing and other tasks, to include looking up instructions and finding links to download the files.
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