High ping when playing games

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High ping when playing games

Post by dexwashere12 »

So i've been using virtual dedicated servers before and they ran fine with low ping.
I just bought one today to run it as a vpn for my console, but have been noticing when playing games the ping jumps up high and makes the game unable to be played. Is there a way to fix this problem?
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Re: High ping when playing games

Post by Edge100x »

A traceroute or MTR while the problem is occurring would be the first step in checking this out. Please open a support request through the "Help!" page in your control panel and paste it there, along with your IP, and we can combine it with tests from our end to see if a routing issue is involved.

This KB article goes into some more detail on running a trace: viewtopic.php?f=25&t=1539

TBH, we don't see a whole lot of transit-related routing problems any more. Most of the problems that I see end up being local ISP issues or a problem with the modem/router. A modem/router reboot ends up fixing many of them. But, we'll immediately know more with that traceroute/MTR!
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