Help: How to specify the export ip address for the server with multiple ip addresses?

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Help: How to specify the export ip address for the server with multiple ip addresses?

Post by hellokatty »

I bought a server from here, the operating system is centos6, and added 14 ip addresses, but when I use it, I find that no matter which ip address is used, the other server always prompts a default ip address. How can I set it? All ip addresses are corresponding export ip addresses. For example, there are three ip addresses. They are A\B\C. The current situation is to use B/C to access a server. The server is still accessed by A. How can I do this? When three ip addresses access the other server, the other server will correctly get the three ip addresses.
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Re: Help: How to specify the export ip address for the server with multiple ip addresses?

Post by Edge100x »

Each application generally has to set the IP to bind to itself. This can be worked around to some degree with NAT, though it's a little ugly. What is the application that you are running?
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