For some time I have a server on Nfoservers running Call of Duty 4 Open Warfare. It works fine, but I would like to run a multiplayer mod which includes pezbots. The bots fill in when there are only one or a few players. This pezbot mod seems to load alright, the Server Info window seems okay, and bots are listed. But when I try to enter the my own game a notice appears saying that the server is full. All the slots are filled with bots, Bot0 through Bot09. How do I fix it so that players, including myself, can enter the game/map?
The name of the program is "=openwarfare2_v.4=.rar" which expanded into mod folder with the same name without the rar extension. In order to get it to run within the server I rent, I had to remove the various marks: equal signs, underline, and dot. Basically, I renamed the mod.
But when I try to log into the game, I get the server full message. It appears all the slots are filled with bots.
Help would be greatly appreciated.
Rabbit OCS
All slots are filled with bots
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