Vanilla Minecraft VDS Performance

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Vanilla Minecraft VDS Performance

Post by Spirrwell »


I'm running a VDS with Ubuntu 20.04, 6GB of RAM and 6 virtual CPU cores. I installed the default-jre package I believe. I have OpenJDK

I've been really disappointed with the performance, and I want to make sure I'm not doing something wrong.

It's vanilla 1.16.5 with no plugins or anything. I have at most 6 people on ever. Usually 2 or 3. But it even chugs with just me.

It seems to me like it's absolutely slamming one of the cores and slows the whole thing down. I'm running the server inside a screen like so:

java -Xmx3072M -jar minecraft_server.1.16.5.jar nogui

Is there something obvious I should do differently? Use a different version of Java or something? Or are the virtual cores just not up to the task? Because that's never been my experience with NFO.
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Re: Vanilla Minecraft VDS Performance

Post by hiimcody1 »

Modern versions of Vanilla MC Java Edition run terribly on pretty much anything you try to host them on. I've tried countless things to improve performance and it just isn't possible without insanely overpowered hardware.

If you are willing to run a modded server jar, PaperMC has a project running that significantly improves performance out the gate:

There are some settings you can tweak in its config files to further improve performance as well, but just switching to that Jar should net a performance gain.
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Re: Vanilla Minecraft VDS Performance

Post by Spirrwell »

Alright, that sounds promising, I'll give that a try. I'm still brand new to all the Minecraft server stuff. Thanks!
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