Is their any roadmap/possibility of an API for the control panel?

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Is their any roadmap/possibility of an API for the control panel?

Post by Vortire »

Hi again! :)

My service encounters DDoS attacks on average once a month - NFO deals with them superbly and swiftly - and because I’d like real-time information without requiring the control panel, I am thinking of creating a sort of NOC for my service. However, is there any API that can retrieve control panel events from outside the NFO environment?

I am very sorry if there is and I am blatantly missing it and I am sorry if this is not something commonly asked.

If there isn’t an API, which most providers don’t have anyway so it's completely understandable, are there any plans for one?

Adam - Vortire
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Re: Is their any roadmap/possibility of an API for the control panel?

Post by Vortire »

Nevermind you can retrieve usage graphs by having your username and password cookies stored locally, can I just ask is direct GET requests (per 2-hours) to get the two-hour sampling image acceptable usage of your API?

Thank you,
Adam - Vortire
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Re: Is their any roadmap/possibility of an API for the control panel?

Post by Naleksuh »

What "API" are you talking about? To my knowledge the only way to get graphs is through which is not really intended for automated use.

If you want to do something not normally allowed, you would likely want to request permission from NFo directly by sending email to support[at]nfoservers[dot]com or by pressing Help! in control panel.
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Re: Is their any roadmap/possibility of an API for the control panel?

Post by Edge100x »

We don't currently use an API or publish a set of requirements for automated tools that are using the control panel. You can try it, but keep in mind that the control panel is likely to change over time and may break what you are doing.

An API of some sort is planned. I would not expect it to include graphs, though.
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Re: Is their any roadmap/possibility of an API for the control panel?

Post by Vortire »

Thank you for the swift reply,
I understand the integrated method of using GET requests to retreive usage graphs and can integrate it into CefSharp which is what i'd by using for my NOC and I understand these things are likely to change but thank you for the confirmation that i can try it.

I'm glad to hear an API of some-sort is planned, it would be nice to have but the current system is perfectly usable for my needs and yes most API programmers wouldn't program graph support but that's perfectly understandable.

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Re: Is their any roadmap/possibility of an API for the control panel?

Post by lithium720 »

+1 to a control panel API!

I found a bug in my code that is running on my VDS, resulting in an absurd amount of unnecessary bandwidth usage. I created some internal tools to check my overall bandwidth usage of the service (and fixed my bug). It does some self sanity checks with the internal logs I created to estimate my usage, but it would be extremely useful to be able to query the billing source / true host to do additional, more authoritive, sanity checks ;)
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