How to I add myself to a Servergroup or Unban myself Via ServerQ

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How to I add myself to a Servergroup or Unban myself Via ServerQ

Post by sahand »

Ok so the syntax to add myself to a servergroup is

servergroupaddclient sgid={groupID} cldbid={clientDBID}

but how do I find out the Server Group ID and my CLDBID? I've tried using the CLIENTGETDBIDFROMUID command but whenever I try using it it gives me the error

error id=1024 msg=invalid\sserverID

I tried using the SERVERLIST command, it tells me virtualserver_id=1. So when I try using "1" as the server id, it gives me the same error id that the serverID is invalid. So how do I get around this? I really need to give myself a rank.
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