
Had a good experience with our servers? Congratulate us here!
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Post by MGNGamingNetwork »

The following is a copy of what I wrote on my forums ... 05fd6f5a1f


Just a quick type up about our new server provider,

Their quality and service is 5/5 and their internet connection must run on hardware that hasn't been released yet (in short, their internet connection is top quality!). Pings are very stable and so is the CPU. The VDS's internet connection outdoes the servers (previously the best internet connection in Crysis Wars) by around 5x!!!

On my old VDS server (5 cores, 3GB RAM), CPU usage was always above the 80s but now on NFO and running 10 Crysis Wars game servers with 2GB RAM and 2 cores, CPU usage is actually lower at around 10% at full load!

If you are thinking of switching to NFO then DO IT!!! It will be the best decision you have ever made!

==UPDATE 19th March 2012==
We have been having some problems with our MW3 server crashing when someone tried to join it. The problems are fixed thanks to NFOServers CEO, John who "got his hands dirty" and solved the problem!

Thanks to all at NFOServers for the super service!


NFOServers seems a small company now but I really hope that they expand and I wish them the best of luck!
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