Size of Server

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Size of Server

Post by .=QUACK=.Major.Pain »

Just running some things through my head and was wondering about something.

If you were running a file sharing site, and the files were stored on a dedicated server elsewhere from the website, what specs would be needed?

The dedicated server would only be used for storage, and probably a windows 2008 server.

The questions would be mostly, if the server is meant only for downloading from, does it require a high cpu and memory? Obviously storage would need to be very large, but would a smaller cpu and memory work ok?
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Re: Size of Server

Post by Edge100x »

For straight file hosting, you probably shouldn't need more than a single-core VDS. It takes very little memory and CPU to transfer files, so it's all about I/O speed. Extra memory can still be useful because it's used for cache, though.
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Re: Size of Server

Post by .=QUACK=.Major.Pain »

ok -thanks
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Re: Size of Server

Post by RainMotorsports »

Doesn't take much cpu and ram to push some files around. As Edge says its the drive + total system io that counts. If you were on a 100 Mbps unmetered connection you could throw a core 2 duo and a couple gigs a ram at it and probably never look back. Pushing 12.5 MB/s (theoretical max) 24/7 isn't going to take much.

1 Gbps is a bit of a different story. High performance mechanicals pushing out a stream at that speed is one thing. Serving up files on a single machine at that speed would call for at a minimum a decent dedicated raid setup. SSD would work in its place but 24/7 I would think reliability would be an issue. But your talking 120 MB/s peaks and needing to be able to pull random data quickly.

I used my VDS to serve up android firmware up until this point. Somewhere in the middle I was about to start way exceeding 4TB a month and had to cut back just due to the cost/benefit of it all. Most of the people doing it small time are on unmetered 100 Mbps. I had the speed but the bandwidth is costly.

The last new firmware to leave my server was yesterday. Jelly Bean leak for the Sprint Galaxy S3. Tore up about 150 GB in an hour before i shut the server down to see which developer was about to eat me alive.

It was a fun experiment while I stalled on using the server for my own website. But as much as people enjoyed the speeds there is a reason the big boys run ads and charge money for premium file hosting. Plenty of good setups out there too between fast 1/4 cabinet setups and multi state setups. I knew I wouldn't want to be an entrepreneur with the startup cash that would take.
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