Why do I get disconnected from my FTP?

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Why do I get disconnected from my FTP?

Post by kraze »

This is a common feature that will automatically close the connection to your FTP server if inactive for extended period of time. Often navigating to another folder will cause your client to re-establish the connection, or you could reconnect manually to the server.

If you get disconnected from FTP during a transfer you can attempt enabling "keep FTP alive commands" Some FTP clients include this to stop users from getting disconnected. This will basically send constant commands to the server so it does not close the connection.

To enable this in FileZilla;

1. Click on "Edit"
2. Click "Settings"
3. Select "FTP"
4. Then check "Send FTP keep-alive commands"
@Kraze^NFo> Juski has a very valid point
@Juski> Got my new signature, thanks!
@Kraze^NFo> Out of context!
@Juski> Doesn't matter!
@Juski> You said I had a valid point! You can't take it back now! It's out there!
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